Xelor Pramium Catalyst build guide on Waven – Gamosaurus

The Xelor Catalyst Pramium has ignited Waven since his last balancing, making him super-powerful thanks to his companions. In addition to being viable at very low level, it has a very wide range of possible builds depending on the combos and families of allies available on Waven.

Last update in October 2023 : The Xelor Pramium recently underwent changes during the update
0.13.0 from Waven
. These modifications make his “Pramium Recycling” passive effective instantly in combat, in addition he benefits from an additional 20% to the life of his companions.


Strong points :

+ One of the only ones capable of seriously using companions

+ Overpowering both at high levels and for monster farming

+ Very resistant and little dependent on randomness


Weak points :

Requires many runes to unlock its maximum potential

Unlock the full potential of summons

The gameplay of the Xelor Pramium is summed up quite easily, it is capable of summoning its companions very quickly and allows them to replay a turn for free. This ability allows you to abuse certain skills related to the rarest companions, such as permanently increasing your attack or inflicting heavy area damage.

In addition, the hero’s attack is not useful in combat, so the Pramium has a very good ability to resist damage, unlike other Top-tier builds.

The best deck for the Xelor Catalyst

Changes to objects are possible, particularly regarding companions or spells to be more flexible depending on the combat.

Skills and equipment to use on the Xelor Pramium

Here is the list of all the equipment to take on the Xelor Pramium on Waven. Although this is optimized, you should not avoid changing certain spells depending on those already possessed. The most important thing is to obtain a suitable damage ratio, so it is therefore advisable to equip items that are already high levels and their significant damage bonuses.

As for life and damage, the hero’s damage is not useful. It is important to invest everything in vitality to be more resistant in combat.

competence xelor pramium waven

List of items to equip:

  • Lympic Ring: Your companions gain 5% attack per gauge that you generated during the fight.
  • Stradamus Ring : Grants an armored companion’s attack when summoned.
  • Rnitorin Ring : +20% life to invocations.
  • Ring Tilus : Increases attack by 15% and health by 30% of summons over 5 gauges.
  • Armband Spiritual :
    Teleports a companion and triggers its attack (50% damage) to the target when the hero attacks.

List of spells to equip:

  • Destabilization: Swap positions with a sinistro, then draw the next sinistro spell.
  • Recycling : Draw the next sinister spell, reduces its cost by 1 AP.
  • Pramium Energy: The target takes its turn again.
  • Sinister air: Summon a sinistro a maximum of 3 squares from the hero, then exchange places with him.
  • Stormy Trigger: Water damage, +1 AP in the reserve if you have at least 1 sinistro in play.
  • Clock : Water damage.
  • Sinister fire : Summons a fire sinistro up to 3 squares away which inflicts fire damage around it.

The companions and special skills of the Xelor Pramium

Special skills:

  • Pramium recycling: When a Sinistro is summoned, adds +2 gauges of the same element.
  • Pramium motivation: You can use the activation spell to replay a companion’s turn. +20% HP to companions.

List of companions:

  • Coqueline: Is constantly under phase shift.
  • Darth Vlad : Gain +25% bonus attack each time he attacks.
  • Echo: Heals the hero of her attack when she attacks.
  • Oropo:Reduces the cost of companions from the Forgotten Brothers by 3 gauges.

Find all the most powerful classes

Just like the Xelor Catalyst Pramium, many classes have very good assets to easily advance on Waven.

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