[XB/XB360] FATXplorer v3.0 Beta 28 available – News and current affairs posted on LS

A new update to FATXplorer has been proposed in order to further improve the solution which allows you to take advantage of the storage devices of the Original Xbox consoles and the Xbox 360, and in particular with support for internal hard drives up to 16 To.

This Beta 28 version brings its share of new features including the new licensing system, from this version, you can now enter your serial number/license key if you have one. A common question asked by beta users is “When/where can I enter my serial number?” The answer is: now! Just enter it when FATXplorer asks you. The licensing system is completely new and extremely lightweight. v2.5 used a cumbersome third-party licensing system that is no longer supported. It was replaced by a custom-developed solution.

– An internet connection is not necessary. This is not new, but we are in a world where everything requires an internet connection, so it is important to clarify this. The only exception to this rule is that if you enter a now obsolete FATXLIC serial number, FATXplorer will have to go online to convert it to the new license key format. You do not need to be online to enter a license key.


– The trial period is the same (7 days).

– Trial periods can now be extended automatically with the click of a button. This requires an internet connection to work, but it’s a big improvement over the previous system where you had to send a limit code to support and wait for an extension code. These automatic extensions are subject to certain limits in order to avoid abuse. If you don’t have an internet connection on the device running FATXplorer and need a trial extension, there is also an offline option where you can copy an ID, send it to support from an online device, and then enter an extension code similar to how it works in v2.5.

– The license window is no longer displayed at startup. FATXplorer will only display it when a paid function is accessible, or when you invoke it from the Help menu.

– Added a check of Xbox 360 cache partitions to determine if they are formatted as FATX. If this is not the case, a message will be displayed and the editing will not take place.


– Driver updated to v22.0.8707. Fixed an issue that could prevent editing on slow computers (1-2 CPU cores). Driver updates may require a reboot.

– The expiration date has been changed to March 3, 2024.
