Windows 11 24H2 – Switching from 22H2 / 23H2 to 24H2 only via Windows Update or Inplace Upgrade [Update]

(Updated 16.06.2024): Here's a quick update. After Microsoft withdrew KB5037850 (26100.712), distribution in the RP channel was resumed with the new KB5039239 (26100.863).

KB5039239 is the first official update that Microsoft has released, so anyone who is already using 24H2 will also receive this.


(Original 05/23/2024): Microsoft officially released Windows 11 24H2 in the RP channel yesterday. The 26100 will therefore be the new version. Since some questions have already arisen, here is the note again: Unlike from Windows 11 22H2 to 23H2, a change is not possible with a small update.

At that time, an enablement package (feature update) was enough to switch to Windows 11 23H2. This is the case with Windows 11 24H2 not possible. Windows 11 24H2 uses a new kernel (Germanium). Therefore, a change only via Windows Update (if released by Microsoft) or with a Windows 11 24H2 ISO via Inplace Upgrade.

Even those with older hardware will have to perform an in-place upgrade this time in order to be able to update to Windows 11 24H2. This is also made possible by the Zero Limit ISO, which is constantly updated. Regardless of whether you update via Windows Update or via ISO, you do not have to go to an Insider channel to get new updates automatically.

The only ones excluded from the upgrade are very old CPUs that do not have SSE4.2 and POPCNT integrated. But here we are talking about CPUs such as Core 2 Duo and earlier. Otherwise the hardware requirements remain the same.


For those who prefer to install Windows 11 24H2 cleanly, we have updated our instructions. The installation now has a more modern look. And by the way, you can still do it locally and without a Microsoft account using tricks.

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