Windows 11 24H2 26100 ISO / ESD (German, English)

(Text update) Windows 11 24H2 is the next version from Microsoft. This will not only be available as a “normal” version, but also as the first Windows 11 LTSC 24H2. The Home/Pro receives two years, the Enterprise three years and the LTSC 5 years of update support.

Unlike when switching from Windows 11 22H2 to 23H2, there is no small function update this time. Because Microsoft changed the kernel from nickel to germanium (ge_release) in this version. This makes it an upgrade via Windows Update or you do it via an inplace upgrade.


Important With this version, older devices before 2008 are excluded from this upgrade. Windows 11 24H2 requires POPCNT and SSE4.2 or SSE4a in the CPUs. Everyone else with an older CPU and these functions can still use the Zero ISO.

Microsoft is taking a slightly different approach to Windows 11 24H2. Since the device manufacturers (OEMs) will pre-install this version on their devices from June 2024, it has already been completed. All new functions will only be available with the official release September October unlocked with an enablement package (function update).

A request: If you have problems with a current update, please use our forum, or the respective contribution to the update. Otherwise it will be confusing here. Thanks.

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Last updated on: April 27, 2024 09:25


Windows 11 24H2 x64 ISO German including updates

Windows 11 24H2 ISO x64 German further including updates

Windows 11 24H2 ARM ISO German incl. updates

Windows 11 24H2 ISO english including updates

Windows 11 24H2 MVS (MSDN) version

  • We will list them as soon as they are available

Windows 11 24H2 as “original version”

Windows 11 ESD 24H2

  • You can find the names of which version is included HERE
  • We will list them as soon as they become available

Windows 11 24H2 ESD UUP

  • If you want to create your own ISO, you can this guide take a closer look. (Section 4).
  • You can find similar instructions here
  • Follow, if any

Windows 11 tutorials and help

In our You can find lots of helpful tips and tricks in the Windows 10 Wiki. If you have any questions, just ask us at Forum.

  • Installation media: You can always find the latest installation files in the right sidebar. Windows 10 22H2 19045 ISO/ESD
  • Installation: Install Windows 10 Clean, reinstall Win 10 2004 to 22H2
  • Repairs: Inplace upgrade repair, repair Win 10 via DISM, sfc and more, repair Windows Update, repair start menu, repair apps, repair store, repair network
  • Registration: Win 10 automatic login
  • Remove, Uninstall: Uninstall apps
  • File Explorer: Remove folders under This PC, Network, OneDrive, etc. in Explorer
  • Correct usage: Use the start menu correctly, use search correctly,
  • Important: Each tutorial states which version it is suitable for.
