Windows 10 is over: Microsoft takes drastic step

While Windows11 now since almost three years from Microsoft offered, many users still have the predecessor Windows10 installed on their PC. Steam The share of Windows 10 is still 50.3 percentWindows 11 currently has around 46.1 percent the user, such as the current Hardware and software survey by Valve However, Windows 10 owners will soon have to drastic changes set.

The day is slowly approaching when Microsoft will free support for Windows 10 set Specifically, the end for the October 14, 2025 plannedThis means that the operating system has been provided with security updates for over ten years. For all users who still want to use Windows 10 – without having to worry about their safety – can be Alternatives To fall back onbut there is a catch.


Can I continue using Windows 10 after 2025?

Of course, you can continue to use your PC with Windows 10 even after Microsoft's support period ends. However, if you want security updates, you will have to pay extra. Alternatives include, for example, the Provider 0PatchThe company plans to provide new updates for the critical security of Windows 10 for at least five years.

To use 0Patch, a extra client whose updates then only change running processes. The files themselves are not adjusted. For example, 30 euros per year The offer will be available from October 2025. More hooks: 0Patch needed additional RAM and refers Telemetry data – including IP addresses, list of installed apps and more. But also Microsoft already has an alternative – besides Windows 11, of course.

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Customers and companies who want to continue working with Windows 10 – and stay safe while doing so – can ESU program (Extended Security Updates) from Microsoft. This also provides the operating system with important updates. However, the price for the annual subscription is not yet known. In addition, the Offer only for a total of three years be used.

