Why Shadowheart is the most hated character in Baldur Gate…

As an avid RPG fan, I’ve spent many hours exploring the various aspects of Baldur’s Gate 3. And there is one character in particular that seems to be creating debate within the gaming community: Shadowheart. Indeed, this character is often considered hypocritical and annoying, especially when playing a character with dark impulses. Let’s analyze this controversy together.

Why is Shadowheart considered hypocritical?

When we first meet Shadowheart, she presents herself as a priestess devoted to Shar, deity of darkness, night, loss and oblivion. She doesn’t remember her past well, but says she always wanted to be a Dark Justice, Shar’s elite soldier.

  • Act 2: Shadowheart becomes a member of the Dark Justices – During Act 2, Shadowheart is given the option to join their ranks. This choice appeals to players, because it reveals a certain mischievous side of the character.
  • Questionable moral: – Many fans point out that his morals do not really correspond to those of a character whose main concern would be service to his divinity.
  • Hypocritical judgments: – Shadowheart’s hypocrisy lies in her dialogues where she often criticizes the player’s choices, especially when these are linked to dark impulses.

Note that some players believe that his behavior can be excusable since, despite everything, his loyalty to Shar is unwavering. However, this does not prevent detractors from finding it irritating and too critical of the main character, especially when he is subjected to “Dark Impulses”.

The growing annoyance of players playing a “Dark Impulses” character

They can no longer stand his derogatory remarks

Players who choose to play as a character with murderous impulses are often annoyed by Shadowheart’s hypocritical comments. According to them, it would make sense for her to be more understanding and less harsh towards their avatar, given her own association with a dark deity like Shar. As such, a Reddit user mentions that he would have liked to have the possibility of pointing out his hypocrisy if certain conditions were met in their game.

His behavior considered disrespectful towards the other gods

Other players also blame Shadowheart to display obvious contempt towards other deities, even though the deity she worships is far from being a paragon of virtue. As such, some players would like to set the record straight with Shadowheart and remind him that all gods have their dark sides.

A question of personal perception?

However, it should be clarified that not all opinions are negative towards Shadowheart. Some fans even appreciate her moralizing side and find it consistent with her role as a priestess devoted to Shar. For these players, the criticisms formulated by Shadowheart make it possible to enrich the scenario and give greater depth to the quests available to the main player.

In short, the controversy surrounding Shadowheart’s hypocrite character illustrates the diversity of opinions in the Baldur’s Gate 3 gaming community. Some love its complexity, while others find it unbearable. But after all, isn’t that what makes a good RPG? Bringing us stories rich in complex and nuanced characters.

And you, what is your opinion on Shadowheart? Do you find her behavior hypocritical and annoying or do you think she brings real depth to the story of Baldur’s Gate 3? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments!
