Which engine is used to create the new brand? CV provides clue

As is well known, the “Days Gone” makers at Sony Bend Studios have been working on a new brand for a while. While the studio is still holding back on concrete information, a resume may have given us an interesting technical detail.

After the sequel to the open-world adventure “Days Gone” known nothing waswork on a new brand began at Sony Bend Studios.


While Sony Bend Studios is still holding back on further information or even a date for a possible unveiling, a resume has now provided us with a interesting technical detail to the new brand of the “Days Gone” creators. The LinkedIn profile of former Bend employee Jason Pettibone reveals that the project is based on the “Decima Engine”.

The “Decima Engine” was developed by Guerrilla Games and has been used in the past, among others, in the two “Horizon”-titles or Hideo Kojima's “Death Stranding” for use.

What is known about Sony Bend’s new project?

We haven't yet received too many details about Sony Bend's next big title. As mentioned at the beginning, the title is based on a completely new brand. In addition, the developers at Sony Bend want to draw on the experience they gained when designing the open world of “Days Gone”.


Another key element of the new brand is the multiplayer component, about which Sony Bend has not yet given any concrete information. However, the “Days Gone” makers hinted at a job advertisement in March thereuponthat they will use live service elements in their next project.

They were looking for an experienced project manager who should have the following qualifications: “Hands-on game development experience in a senior role in the delivery of AAA live service games.”

Sony Bend celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023

Last year, the developers of Sony Bend the studio's 30th birthday. An anniversary that those responsible celebrated with merchandise and internal celebrations. But unfortunately not with an unveiling of their new project.

It is still unclear when Sony or Bend Studios will understand the waiting community and present the title.

The last official sign of life regarding the new brand dates back to the beginning of 2024. When asked by a player, the makers of Sony Bend merely pointed out that they were still working internally on the next big brand from the “Days Gone” makers. work.

A few days ago, Game Director John Garvin gave us an interesting detail about “Days Gone” and pointed out that the project was originally planned as a trilogy. We have further statements from Garvin on this topic here summarized for you.

More news about Bend Studios, Sony Bend.

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