What about the review bombing cape? Arrowhead explains


Many fans of the shooter “Helldivers 2” are still waiting in vain for a long-promised gift. Now the developers have finally spoken out.


Since its release in February this year, the shooter has been floating “Helldivers 2” actually on a huge wave of success and generated mainly positive headlines. Suddenly, however, the mood changed completely. The reason for this was the announcement of a PSN account requirement, which not only caused a shitstorm from the fans, but also heavy review bombing provided.

A little bit later Sony and the developers of Arrowhead Game Studios rowed back and scrapped the account plans. Out of this chaos came the idea of ​​a special “review bombing cape” that players of “Helldivers 2” would receive as a kind of souvenir. This item is still a long way off. What do the developers say about it?

Where is the cape for the players of Helldivers 2?

Some particularly critical fans had already expressed the suspicion that the whole matter might have been forgotten. But that is not the case: Johan Pilestedt from the development team Arrowhead Game Studios recently spoke out via X (formerly Twitter) and had good news for the waiting fans.

“Correct. From our point of view, it is finished. However, we want to find the right time to release it.”

Accordingly, it is only a matter of time before the players of “Helldivers 2” receive the special cloak. However, a specific release date for the in-game object has not yet been set.

Even more news about “Helldivers 2”

What happens next in Helldivers 2?

Even beyond this little goodie, fans of “Helldivers 2” can look positively into the future. The co-op story mode desired by many players will definitely not be released. But the developers are still working on new features and content that will find their way into the shooters in the form of future updates.

More news about Helldivers 2.

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