“We have decades of knowledge” – Nintendo President comments on AI in Mario, Zelda and Co.

AI or not AI? That is the question. (Image: Adobe Stock – Alberto Masnovo)

AI or not AI? That is the question. (Image: Adobe Stock – Alberto Masnovo)


AI in all possible forms and colors is now almost impossible to imagine in everyday tech. Of course, neural networks are also spreading in gaming, such as with DLSS from Nvidia.

But when it comes to generative AI – AI that can create certain content such as text or images – the president of Nintendo has made a clear statement.

Generative AI in Mario, Zelda and Co.

Generative AI will likely play a larger role in game development in the future and could take over work that is currently done by humans.

That's not going to happen so quickly at Nintendo – at least according to a Q&A in which Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa recently answered some questions from investors.


When asked whether Nintendo will rely on generative AI in the future, Furukawa replied:

“We have decades of knowledge in creating optimal gaming experiences for our customers, and as we respond flexibly to technological developments, we hope to continue to create value that is unique and cannot be achieved through technology alone.”

However, Furukawa also recognizes the possibilities:

“Generative AI, which has been a hot topic in recent years, can be more creative, but we also know that it brings with it problems with intellectual property rights.”

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The Nintendo president's main problem seems to be copyright, which is still unclear for many AI-generated content.

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Furukawa also emphasizes that AI is nothing new in game development:

“The gaming industry has long used AI-like technology to control the movements of opposing characters, so game development and AI technology have always been closely linked.”

But for now, it seems that Mario, Zelda and various other Nintendo brands will be released with “handmade” textures and assets.
