Waste of time? I play Pokémon Go for hours every day and you should too

How long is there Pokemon Go already? I asked myself this question recently and it was like scales fell from my eyes: Pokemon Go will be in a few days simply eight years old – crazy! I haven't played Pokémon Go for years, but for the last week I've been completely addicted again and play every day – after some initial hesitation. Waste of time or a good idea? I'll tell you.

I play Pokémon Go every day again – that's why

Why am I playing Pokémon Go again? I was sitting with some good friends on a Sunday evening in Beer garden and that's where the topic came up. A friend who had never played the game before spontaneously installed the game on his smartphones – and started playing immediately. I get horny again.


As someone who hasn’t played Pokémon Go for years and played it the most in 2016 when the game was just released, I was first kill. There are now many more things to do in Pokémon Go, and the iconic 151 Pokémon of the first generation are now joined by eight more generations of pocket monsters. Total? About 1,000 Pokemon. Phew. But I have not given up.

It is mainly due to my Friend, the Pokemon Go had never played, that I am addicted again. He was immediately completely hooked on the game and has been playing ever since. several hours a day. I couldn’t (and didn’t want to) deny myself this joy. So we’ve been going on tour almost every day and catch lots of Pokémon, graze the countless PokéStops and give Team Rocket a slap on the wrist after we've taken over the arenas.

Of course, Pokemon Go no longer the crazy Hype of 2016, but that doesn't matter. In the eight years since release (where has the time gone…) the The game has become a lot better. And that is not the only reason why you should Reinstall and start the app.


Source: PCGames

Could this Pokédex toy from 2000 be helpful in Pokémon Go?

That's why you should play Pokémon Go again

There is probably no better season than the current one, to once again Pokemon Go. Warm temperatures, mostly sun and lots of daylight: In Summer Pokémon Go is the most fun. I go out a lot anyway, but thanks to the game I now have a another reason to get some fresh air. And maybe you also want to move around outside more.

Pokémon Go is also making with friends even more fun than before. The reason? Several Functions, that the game simply did not have in 2016. You can play with friends battle, either against each other or together, you can Trade pocket monsters, gifts exchange ideas, follow the progress of fellow campaigners and celebrate together. Pokemon Go is also a social experience.

And Pokémon Go also manages to do something that surprised me: I discover new places in my city. Actually, I didn’t think that I would Nuremberg somewhere before because I travel a lot and have a great interest in my city. But Pokémon Go has taught me otherwise. So why should you join in and play Pokémon Go again?

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From four good Found: Pokémon Go is better than ever and has many more features than before. The game brings you get out into the fresh air and get moving. The Pocket Monsters game is a great Have fun with friends and family. And you will also discover while playing new interesting places your homeland. Waste of time? Absolutely not! Pokemon Go is perhaps the healthiest addiction you can fall into.
