Unlike its competitors, Nintendo refuses to use AI to create games | Xbox

Generative artificial intelligence has been on the minds of all the tech giants in recent years and is particularly appealing because of the time and money it can save in various fields. Video games are obviously no exception to the rule, and many players are worried about the excesses of its use, both creatively and in terms of play. While Microsoft and Sony have already positioned themselves in favor of using AI in game creation, Nintendo recently indicated that it would not follow the same path as its competitors.

Nintendo will not use AI in its games

While Xbox indicated at the end of last year that it would use AI to create the characters, stories, dialogue trees and other quests of its games, the Kyoto firm opted for a different strategy and recently announced that it would not use generative AI in its first party games.


It was during a recent session of questions answers with investors, highlighted by Tweaktownthat Shuntaro Furukawa brought up the subject. For the president of Nintendo, if generative AI has certain advantages, it can also cause various problems.

In the game industry, AI technology has long been used to control the movements of enemy characters, so game development and AI technology have always been closely related.

Generative AI, which has been a hot topic in recent years, may be more creative, but we also recognize that it raises intellectual property rights issues.

Shuntaro Furukawa goes on to say that Nintendo has decades of expertise in creating gaming experiences, and that the company hopes to continue to deliver its own unique value to its customers.

We have decades of expertise in creating optimal gaming experiences for our customers, and while remaining flexible to respond to technological developments, we hope to continue to deliver value that is uniquely our own and cannot be achieved through technology alone.

As we know, Nintendo is very attentive to intellectual property issues, and it is therefore ultimately not very surprising to see it take this position on the subject.

After a start to the year marked by layoffs galore, AI is obviously a hot topic in the various studios, and it goes without saying that it will take up more space over the years; let's just hope that it will be used wisely.

