Ubisoft Shares Exciting News for Assassin’s Creed Fans right from the Start

Ubisoft officially confirms that several remakes of Assassin's Creed are in the planning stages. There will also be some changes to the release schedule of the entire series.

While fans will travel to feudal Japan this year with Assassin's Creed Shadows, Ubisoft has other trips into the past planned. The French publisher several remakes of older Assassin's Creed games in progress.


Confirmation from the boss personally

In a blog post on Ubisoft's official website, CEO Yves Guillemot talks about future projects. On the subject of remakes, he says:

Players can look forward to some remakes that allow us to revisit some of the games we've made in the past and modernize them; there are worlds in some of our older Assassin's Creed games that are still extremely rich.

Immediately following this announcement, Guillemot explains that regular new games in the series will be released, but will offer different experiences in terms of gameplay. He explains:

There will be a lot of variety. The goal is to release Assassin's Creed games more regularly, but not to have it be the same experience every year. There are a lot of good things coming, including Assassin's Creed Witch, which we announced, which will be very different from Assassin's Creed Shadows. We'll surprise people, I think.


The CEO did not reveal exactly how the release calendar of remakes and new releases will look. In the future, however, fans will probably simply more Assassin's Creed expect.

Next up is the release of Assassin's Creed Shadows:

Which remakes are we talking about?

Guillemot does not reveal this. There is no official indication of a specific series part, but BackFlag one of the most likely candidates. In July 2023, there were already rumors that Ubisoft Singapore was working on a new edition of the pirate adventure.

It would not be a bad choice, the game from 2013 is one of the absolute fan favorites. On Metacrtic, AC 4 has a high to mid 80s rating on all platforms. (Source: Metacrtic). In addition, after Ubisoft's blunder with Skull & Bones, the desire for pirates drove many fans back into the arms of Black Flag.

A remake of the Ezio Trilogy would also be conceivable, because even the remastered editions from 2016 could only partially hide the great age of the games.
