Ubisoft prepares remakes of old Assassin's Creed

Assassins in all sauces

No need to plug into the Animus for the past to come back to haunt us. Yves Guillemotthe CEO ofUbisoftsaid yesterday during a interview that the license Assassin's Creed should soon start welcoming a few remakes in its ranks.

Before launching into long guesses, let's point out that no information has been shared, neither on the games that will be refurbished, nor on how they will be. The subject simply came to the table through a question concerning the future ofAssassin's Creed.


What we take for certain, however, is that Guillemot would like the next episodes of the series to appear in a more regular. A statement that at first glance seems to go against the philosophy adopted during the releases of Valhalla/Odyssey/Originsmeaning the return to an annual rhythm, but which would in reality alternate between “big” and “small” productions in order to offer more diversity. Well, in any case, that’s what the guy seems to be announcing, and this can already more or less be verified since only a short year will separate the launch of Mirage (October 5, 2023) and Shadows (November 15, 2024).

In any case, you can find the full interview on the link posted in the introduction, but for non-English speakers, here is the part that interests us:

  • Q: With Assassin's Creed, we had Mirage, which was a smaller tribute to the franchise's roots, and we'll soon have Shadows, which has much more expansive ambitions and is closer to games like Odyssey or Valhalla. Can we continue to expect such varied offerings in the future? Smaller games accompanied by bigger ones?
  • A: First, players can expect a few remakes, which will allow us to revisit some of our previous games by modernizing them. There are universes in some of our oldest Assassin's Creeds that are still extremely rich. Secondly and to answer your question, there will indeed be variety. The idea would be to release our Assassin's Creed games at a more regular pace, without offering too similar experiences every year. There's a lot of good stuff coming, including Assassin's Creed Hexe, which we've already announced and which will be a very different title to Assassin's Creed Shadows. I think we will surprise the audience.
