Ubisoft Confirms Major Surprise: What Fans Need to Know

Ubisoft confirms Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake leaks with this major statement about the future of the series. You're going to see even more games in the coming years.

Assassin's Creed Shadows will be available on November 15, 2024 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC. A highly anticipated episode in feudal Japan, which will also do well with Ghost of Tsushima. The PlayStation exclusive with which Ubisoft's game is often compared since the first leaks. Beyond the era, the atmosphere or the bloody battles, the next opus of the Ubisoft saga is also keen to offer a more organic and therefore less defined exploration. A future winning recipe? Response in a few months. Ahead of the release, Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubi, made an important revelation about the future of the franchise.


Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake is coming, but only

Ubisoft is counting heavily on its license, hence the launch of many Assassin's Creed games for the years to come. The series will occupy a central place in the publisher's projects and overall strategy. And there will be a bit of all genres with experiences on consoles and PC, the mobile game Assassin's Creed Jade which takes place in China, VR or even 4-player cooperative multiplayer. This last game, which goes by the name of Assassin's Creed Raid, has not been made official, but has leaked through Tom Henderson. In any case, Ubisoft assumes this diversity and Yves Guillemot, the big boss of the company, even confirmed information from the insider: other remakes are on the way, in addition to Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake.

Players can look forward to the arrival of some remakes, which will allow us to revisit and modernize some of the games we have created in the past. Some of them have worlds that are still extremely rich » explained Yves Guillemot (via the Ubisoft official website). The goal behind these releases is also to have releases at a more regular pace.

A sustained release rate and variety

There will be a wide variety of experiences. The objective is that Assassin's Creed games are released on a regular basis, but also that the experience offered is not identical every year. There are a lot of good things to come, including Assassin's Creed Hexe (editor's note: the darker single-player game where you play a heroine with supernatural powers). It will be a very different game from Shadows. I think we're going to surprise people.

Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft.

Yves Guillemot has not revealed anything about the remakes currently in development. But we imagine that an episode like the second, which is very popular, could be affected by this announcement.
