Ubisoft condemns “hateful acts in the strongest possible terms”

Game developers and publishers are increasingly being subjected to hate attacks. It is a topic that Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot commented on in an interview.

The announcement of “Assassin’s Creed Shadows” not only caused excitement. While the new Ubisoft adventure landed on numerous wish listssome of the players can do not agree with the character choice.


“Assassin's Creed Shadows”, which is set in feudal Japan, focuses on two main characters. These include Fujibayashi Nagato (Shinobi) and Yasuke (Samurai)The latter character is part of Japanese history but has his roots in Africa, which apparently led to racist attacks against Ubisoft employees.

Ubisoft speaks out on racist attacks

Yves Guillemot recently conducted an extensive interview, which was published on the Ubisoft website on Thursday, in which he spoke about various topics such as the future of “Assassin's Creed,” “XDefiant” and other games. He was particularly concerned about online harassment and intimidation when asked what worries him in the industry at the moment.

He addressed the “malicious and personal online attacks” that are being directed against Ubisoft employees and partners across all games. He described them as “one of his biggest concerns in the gaming industry.”

“One thing that concerns me at the moment is the malicious and personal online attacks that have been directed against some of our team members and partners,” said Guillemot. “I want to make it clear that we at Ubisoft condemn these hateful acts in the strongest possible terms. And I encourage the rest of the industry and gamers to call them out as well.”


The Ubisoft CEO is proud to support the “great work of the teams and partners” and will “always trust their creative decisions.”

Creating a safe, welcoming and equitable environment for all

Guillemot did not mention any specific games. However, it is likely that he is referring to “Assassin's Creed Shadows” in particular, as the choice of characters has sometimes been discussed in a racist and hateful manner.

Included is according to IGN a social media campaign against diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts. The Game Developers Association (IDGA) also commented last March critical of such attacks.

They were “deeply concerned about the increasing harassment of developers” and of people who are driving “diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives”. “Harassment has no place in games or the gaming industry. And we must create a safe, welcoming and equitable environment for everyone,” they said at the time after Sweet Baby became a target on Twitter/X and Co.

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“Assassin's Creed Shadows” will be released in Early Access on November 12, 2024. Access to it will be available to, among others, Buyers of the Gold or Ultimate EditionThe regular launch will take place on November 15, 2024. Why Yasuke was chosen as one of the main characters will be answered very early in the game.

More news about Assassin's Creed Shadows.

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