Todd Howard responds to criticism

The new quests surrounding the Tracker Alliance are currently driving the Starfield community crazy.

The new quests surrounding the Tracker Alliance are currently driving the Starfield community crazy.


If it weren't such a tiresome topic, paid mods in Bethesda games would almost be a first-class running gag. Because every year the role-playing studio makes a new attempt to put community content behind the paywall. This happened with Skyrim, Fallout 4 and most recently Starfield.

And every year, the community, who are not particularly enthusiastic about it, reliably gets on their nerves for this intrusive monetization strategy. After all, mods are content by fans for fans. A publisher has no place in this equation.

Starfield shows new quests, locations and mechanics from the June update in the video
Starfield shows new quests, locations and mechanics from the June update in the video

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Starfield shows new quests, locations and mechanics from the June update in the video

In the case of Starfield, the debate was sparked by the Trackers Alliance quest linewhich was added to the game with the last Creations Update. While the first quest for this bounty hunter guild is free to play, you will be asked to pay a fair amount of 7 euros for the next quest.

GameStar colleague Tillmann has taken a look at the new Mod Shop and finds the new old sales tactics of the Creations as downright manipulative. Bethesda put the fans' newly regained trust at risk.

Now speaking Todd Howard

In the debate surrounding the Creations prices, the Bethesda chief developer has now also spoken out. In a Interview with Youtuber MrMattyPlays Todd Howard explained that Bethesda had heard the feedback from fans and now wanted to reconsider how we deliver content like this in the future.

We need to rethink both pricing and what we offer for free. We need to look at how we communicate the content and really listen to the community.

However, it is unlikely that Bethesda will abolish the shop in the future. Because Howard fundamentally defends the decision for paid mods. Finally, many of the products offered in the Creations Shop would provide added value for the role-playing game.

However, this cannot appease the community. On Steam, Starfield has released an impressive low flight Only 27 percent of the reviews were positive in the last 30 days. This means that Starfield is not particularly popular with fans.

There was also frustration about the upcoming first story DLC for the role-playing game. Although it was presented at the most recent Xbox showcase, it still does not have a final release date.
