THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 on August 2nd (Update)

THQ Nordic, based in Vienna, is a division of the Embracer Group (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)


The Viennese publisher announces the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 – with updates on announced games plus 'surprises'.

Update as of July 2, 2024: Almost four weeks before the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 on August 2nd (countdown from 8:30 p.m. / pre-show from 8:45 p.m. / main program from 9 p.m.), THQ Nordic has finalized the program for the livestream. Accordingly, the following is planned:

  • Gothic Remake
  • Titan Quest 2
  • Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed
  • Way of the Hunter
  • Updates on previously announced games and brands
  • Announcements of completely new games

THQ Nordic is one of only a few officially confirmed exhibitors at Gamescom 2024 from August 21 to 25. Selected showcase titles can be played at the booth.

Message from May 2, 2024: Titan Quest 2the Gothic Remake, Outcast: A New Beginning, South Park: Snow Day and Alone in the Dark – these were some of the PC and console titles that THQ Nordic presented at the Digital Showcase in August 2023.


As of today, there is a specific date for the next livestream edition of the new products show: Friday, August 2, 2024 at 9 p.m. German time. Among other things, fresh insights into the Gothic Remake and Titan Quest 2which is being developed at Grimlore Games in Munich.

The THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 will be broadcast on the following platforms: YouTube, Twitch and SteamThe Lower Franconian THQ Nordic subsidiary HandyGames will once again kick off the evening with a pre-show.

The format takes place in turbulent times: THQ Nordic – once the humus from which the Swedish XXL games group Embracer Group emerged – will be housed together with its associated studios in a new company. Details on the split of the Embracer Group can be found here, here and here.

There are still no reliable findings regarding a possible Gamescom 2024 appearance by THQ Nordic: After the game manufacturer was one of the largest exhibitors at the Cologne games fair in both 2019 and 2022, it was canceled in 2023. On GamesWirtschaft we maintain a continuously updated, albeit still very 'empty' overview of the officially confirmed exhibitors at Gamescom 2024.

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