The Witcher 4 Confirmed to Fulfill Fan’s Dream

The Witcher 4 is in the works and this cast member is rather unexpected! Anyone could have been part of it on one condition…and not the least.

After the excellent The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 which rose brilliantly, the Polish studio CD Projekt Red is clearly on a very good start and it does not intend to stop there. Indeed, a new Cyberpunk is planned as well as a remake of the first The Witcher released in 2007 on PC. But above all, it is the sequel to The Witcher 3 which is closest to its release. The Witcher 4 has entered the production phase and it is seriously starting to get people talking about it. We even have information on the casting of the latter. And the least we can say is that one of the actors was more than unexpected.


A fan of the license is part of the cast of The Witcher 4!

Indeed, one of the members of the cast is none other than a fan of the saga. The man paid no less than 30,100 zlotys – the Polish currency, which is equivalent to around 7,000 euros – for this chance. The opportunity came to the man at the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, a Polish charity event for the care of the elderly and children. For a good cause, a motion capture session for The Witcher 4 was put up for auction. The sum is colossal to carry out work that is normally paid, but it was this man’s dearest wish and what’s more, it contributes to helping people in need, a double benefit!

Geralt on his horse in motion-capture for The Witcher 3

The Pole will therefore participate in a motion-capture session. This means that his movements and appearance will be captured by devices placed on his body. Then, they will be recorded and transferred into the game to a character. There is no additional information on the avatar he will play. The winner will also receive other gifts, the nature of which we do not yet know.

To discover this mysterious and unexpected character, you will have to wait until the publication of The Witcher 4. For the moment, we do not yet have a release window, although we can expect a release sometime in 2026 The software was announced as monumental and surpassing what was achieved in The Witcher 3. This was mentioned by Sebastien Kalemba, the Game Director at CD Projekt Red. He also declares that he wants to stand out from current RPGs, to be continued!
