The Resurrection of a Cult Classic: A Stunning Return for the Zombie Video Game from Capcom

Game news Zombies never die! This cult video game from Capcom returns more beautiful than ever. It comes out this year, to everyone's surprise


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Like that, without pressure, Capcom unveiled a remaster for this cult zombie game. It's coming out this year, and no, it's not Resident Evil… It's even more crazy than that.


If you're vaccinated against the fear of zombies, maybe you want to smack them with a shower head, a frying pan, or even with the big guns: lawnmower, chainsaw… In fact, with everything that a shopping center contains: this is the completely crazy concept of Dead Rising, a beat'em all initially released in 2006 on Xbox 360 where you play a reporter stuck in a shopping mall infested with undead. If you are talking about it today, it is because its publisher-developer, Capcom has just announced a “Deluxe Remaster” version of the title for “next generation platforms” (PS5, Xbox Series, PC, obviously). It's scheduled for this year, in 2024, but we don't have a release date yet.

More beautiful than ever

The announcement in question was made via a short 40-second trailer, which you can also find in our player above… There are a few images from cutscenes to get your teeth into, and that's is certain, Dead Rising returns here with new graphics. In the video, Capcom also mentions a “brand new look” for this Deluxe Remaster. On YouTube, analyzes already compare the rendering of the original game with that of this 2024 version. In 2016, this first episode had already been the subject of a remaster on PC, PS4 and One, but this retained the graphics of 2006 in higher resolution.

Information coming very soon

In any case, we won't have to wait long before seeing the face of Frank West – the hero of Dead Rising 1 – in 4K… Shortly after releasing his announcement, Capcom has indicated that a Capcom Next will be held on July 1, 2024, midnight French time. A 25-minute speech where the Japanese firm will show Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (it's official) – but also the psychedelic action game Kunitsu-Gami Path of the Goddess and the arrival of Resident Evil 7 on Mac, iPad and iPhone. On this occasion, we should therefore have a date for the return of this dear West.
