The Nintendo Switch wipes the floor with the PS5 and Xbox

Is the Console war once and for all decided? It looks like that at the moment. While one side argues that the console war is just a relic of the past, the other side claims the opposite. But who is right? There are good arguments for both sides. Now a new study found out who was Console war currently in the lead and it does not look good for Sony and Microsoft.

What is the console war?

The term “console war” has been used for decades to describe the Competition between different video game console manufacturers. It is not just about sales figures, but also about image and Influence in the industry. The console manufacturers try to outdo each other with innovative hardware, powerful technology, exclusive game titles and attractive prices to outdo.


Well-known console wars of the past include Nintendo vs. Sega in the 80s and 90s and Sony vs. Microsoft in the 2000s. Today, the console war is hard to grasp, but you can Nintendo vs. Sony vs. Microsoft as probably the most important. Who is ahead? There is now a clear answer to this question, which Sony and Microsoft are unlikely to like.

The Nintendo Switch makes PS5 and Xbox look old

A new study has examined the search engine Google taken to the chest and examined which Console currently strongest The researchers studied a period of twelve months and came to a clear result came.

With 2,129,217 searches in an average month (in the US), the Nintendo Switch (buy now 329,00 € ) on the glorious first place. How well do the PS5 and Xbox Series X perform? The competing consoles are clearly lagging behind.


With 1,108,487 Google searches per month, surprisingly, the Xbox Series X on the second place behind the Switch. And that despite the fact that the PS5 sells significantly better than the Microsoft console. How many searches does the Sony console have?

With 962,887 searches at Google per month the PlayStation5 on the less glorious third and last place in the console ranking of the study. How could this clear result be reached?

Why did the Nintendo Switch win the console war?

The Switch has already been Sold 140 million times and is thus clearly ahead of the Competition. No wonder, the PS5 and the current Xbox will not be released until the end of 2020 and thus much later than the Switch came onto the market, the already published in early 2017 is. But not only that.

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Oops – who is that? We already know this old friend who is currently leading the Nintendo Switch charts.

Particularly Nintendo also reaches many Families and children as target group, while PlayStation and Xbox are more aimed at so-called “core gamers”. You may be looking for Nintendo's Target groups increasingly search for Help with games or after Solutions to puzzles or collectibles in Nintendo games.

It is therefore quite obvious that the Nintendo Switch at Google searches in the USA in the last twelve months the Nose ahead and makes PS5 and Xbox Series X look old. In this respect, the Switch outperformed the competition and Nintendo the Console war won – for now.

Source: Study by QR-Code Generator
