The Lord of the Rings Online – Developer Diary: Corsairs of Umbar crafting guilds

Due to the upcoming release of the Corsairs of Umbar crafting guilds, we wanted to address how the new level of Umbar as well as how it will interact with previous levels of guild and other artisans.

To join the Umbar Guild, you will need to become an Honored Master with a crafting guild, then earn enough reputation to reach Umbar Guild Member status. This approach differs somewhat from our initial idea, but as previously mentioned, some of our old decisions regarding the crafting system allowed for an easy break from existing levels, for a smooth transition. We have therefore introduced mechanics allowing you to quickly reach the level of Umbar guild member.


Once you join the ranks of an Umbar crafting guild, you will be able to access guild preparation methods. These will allow you to craft equipment, items, consumables and more to incomparable levels. You will also unlock daily quests requiring preparation methods available from the guild leader. Through these quests, you will not only be able to advance your guild rank, but also earn weekly rewards. Finally, you will also be able to craft new upgradeable items, exclusive to the crafting guilds of Umbar.

Upgradable items

Unlike standard crafting guild items, this system allows you to craft an upgradeable base item, then freely trade it with other players. It may be a piece of equipment, a consumable or a permanent tool used to carry out further preparation methods. Regardless of the type of item crafted, you can increase its strength and effectiveness.

Guild members will have access to: methods for preparing basic upgradeable items, methods for preparing upgradeable items corresponding to the different levels of upgradeable items, as well as methods for creating single-use preparation methods, needed to upgrade each item level.

As this process differs from the traditional crafting system, we wanted to highlight the differences.


Methods for preparing upgradeable items are only available through crafting guilds and require reaching a certain guild level. Once you learn a preparation method, you can’t forget it. So all you need to do is gather the materials required for the base item, craft it, then trade or upgrade it yourself. The items produced are all identical and can be freely traded throughout the game.

The base item is of uncommon quality and the player must be level 141 or higher to equip it. In addition, it has a fuel location of statistics main, a generic essence slot as well as a slight vitality bonus of its own. To craft the basic item, you will need a Luck Stone as well as some ingots. In the case of jewelry, you will also need polished gemstones.

Methods for preparing improvement items are also available from crafting guilds at a certain level. Once a brewing method has been learned and the required materials have been gathered (in this case, a Luck Stone mount), you can create an upgrade item of the corresponding level and freely trade it with any other player.

Crafting requires one Luck Stone per mount level. The first level requires one Luck Stone, the second two Luck Stones, and the third, you guessed it: three Luck Stones.

Methods that allow you to create single-use brewing methods to combine a current level item with an upgrade item are also available from crafting guilds. Of course, you need to have a certain reputation to learn them. Like other preparation methods, they are never forgotten. Single-use preparation methods are tradeable with other players.

To upgrade an item, you need the following: an upgradeable item, the upgrade item associated with the next rank, and the preparation method to craft the new item.

For example: if you have a level 1 upgradeable helmet, you need the level 2 upgrade item as well as the preparation method to craft level 2 of this helmet. The one-time brewing method used to upgrade the helmet is a consumable that requires a crafting profession. Each preparation method has the apprentice level and can be found in the professions tab of the crafting interface. Finally, once the preparation method has been learned and the required materials have been gathered, you can craft your upgraded item.

But that’s not all. The best thing about upgrade items is that you can decide how the equipment progresses. Indeed, each level allows you to choose the next essence location of the item. You can add up to one vital slot or three wild slots. When this new feature launches, you will be able to choose from three tiers and will have five gas slots.

Additionally, we plan to introduce a new type of slot in the future: the set bonus slot. This will harmonize the item with the set bonus of raid current. Thus, the craftsman will be able to use an improvement slot to “skip the steps” and take advantage of the set bonus more quickly or integrate the item into raid sets. However, this is a longer-term goal for which we have not yet set a date.

We look forward to expanding the scope of upgradeable items over time and are confident that this new mechanic will prove to be a great driver of interaction between crafters and other players, strengthening the reliability of the crafting system .

Daily and Weekly Crafting Guild Quests

In addition to the new Umbar Guild Member level, the update will feature replayable daily quests and new weekly crafting guild quests.

Each quest will be available from the leader of the associated Umbar guild. The preparation method for completing a quest can be purchased cheaply from the guild leader and will never be forgotten once learned.

You will need to complete several simple preparation methods at Umbar’s crafting level, group them together, and then hand them over to the guild leader. Completing a daily crafting guild quest will reward you with guild reputation, crafting guild tokens, a crafting method selection box associated with the profession, and a red seastone shard.

The weekly quest will operate similarly to mission quests, with a few differences. First of all, each guild will offer a weekly quest. Afterwards, you will only need to complete five daily quests to be eligible for weekly rewards. Finally, the weekly quest will not have a second level. Completing a crafting guild’s weekly quest will reward you with more guild reputation points and crafting guild tokens, two lucky stone mounts, and a selection box offering a universal remover or a preparation method.

This is just the beginning of the implementation of quests and rewards related to the Umbar crafting guilds. Once you have reached a certain level of reputation with a guild in Umbar, we want to ensure that this knowledge of Umbar can be passed on to the crafting guilds of Eriador. The goal is to allow the artisans of the guilds of Umbar to share their knowledge with the other characters on their account to thus enter the “good graces” of the guilds of Eriador. We also want to integrate dungeon resource quests associated with guilds and provide new ways to acquire the lucky stones and removers required for the new high-level brewing methods.

Material cost and item values

The launch of the Umbar crafting guild level will undoubtedly raise a number of questions. We plan to monitor this thread over the coming days to respond as best we can. In the meantime, we wanted to talk a little more clearly about material costs and item levels.

Crafting equipped items will require at least one Luck Stone and eight Ingots. For jewelry, you will need one lucky stone, five ingots, and two polished gemstones.

Level 1 upgrades will require a Luckstone Hollow which will require a Luckstone, fifteen ingots, the base item, and the brewing method to combine all the ingredients. For jewelry, you will need ten ingots instead of fifteen, as well as five polished precious stones.
Level 2 upgrades will require a Luck Stone Hollow which will require two Luck Stones, fifteen ingots, the item at the current level, and the preparation method to combine all ingredients. For jewelry, you will need ten ingots instead of fifteen, as well as five polished precious stones.

Level 3 upgrades will require a Luck Stone Hollow which will require three Luck Stones, fifteen Ingots, three Red Sea Stones, the item at the current level, and the preparation method to combine all ingredients. For jewelry, you will need ten ingots instead of fifteen, as well as five polished precious stones.

The basic items will be level 505 and of uncommon quality. They can be equipped from level 141, will be linked once equipped and will have a slight vitality bonus, a main stat essence slot as well as a generic essence slot.

Tier 1 items will be level 509 and rare quality. They can be equipped from level 150, will be linked during creation and will have a slight vitality bonus, a main stat essence slot, a generic item slot as well as a vital or generic essence slot additional, of your choice.

Tier 2 items will be level 513 and rare quality. They can be equipped from level 150, will be linked during creation and will have a slight vitality bonus, a main stat essence slot, a generic item slot, a vital or generic essence slot of the level previous one as well as an additional vital essence slot (if available) or generic, of your choice.

Level 3 items will be level 517 and of incomparable quality. They can be equipped from level 150, will be linked during creation and will have a slight vitality bonus, a main stat essence slot, a generic item slot, a vital essence slot plus a vital essence slot. generic essence or two generic slots from the previous level, as well as one vital essence slot (if available) or additional generic slot, of your choice.

To conclude

As this is the first phase of the deployment of the Umbar crafting guilds, we will initially only offer a small number of upgradeable items. As the story progresses, we plan to develop the preparation methods and upgradeable items available in much greater depth so that they can evolve alongside your characters.

Do not hesitate to ask us your questions, we will do our best to answer them!
