The Joker’s Origin Story: A Troubling Look into Batman’s Most Dangerous Foe

Culture news Batman's nemesis reveals the beginnings of his criminal career: the Joker is crazier than ever!

Batman is undoubtedly one of the most popular heroes in the world. Although he does not have superpowers, Bruce Wayne is incredibly rich and insightful. Tired of seeing the underworld take over Gotham and wishing to take revenge on the criminals who made him an orphan, he uses his fortune to become Batman. And Batman has enemies.


Batman and the Joker: an almost inseparable duo of antagonists

Acting at night, Batman's symbolic animal is the bat. Behind the mask is Bruce Wayne (in most stories and versions), the heir to the Wayne empire. Philanthropic, he hides his vigilante nature from everyone, first seen as a threat before Commissioner Gordon decides to trust him. Batman has no superpowers, but he is strong and, thanks to his wealth, he has been able to develop a lot of equipment to help him in his task. But Batman doesn't just pursue classic thugs, and often has to face unusual adversaries. Poison-Ivy, Mr. Freeze, The Penguin, Killer Croc, Bane and Double Face continue to foment against Gotham, and against Batman.

But the Dark Knight's most iconic adversary is undoubtedly the Joker. A clown-like criminal, he is capable of the worst manipulations, and even presents himself as a sort of distorting mirror of a “batou”, which only exists because Batman exists. DC has introduced Batman in many different versions, even going back to the character's beginnings with the Year One (and Two) story arc. We discover the first steps and hesitations of the vigilante, who has not yet been able to establish his authority over the nights of Gotham. In a recent press release, DC announced the upcoming arrival of a new story arc within the regular Batman series, managed by Chip Zdarsky.

Batman's nemesis reveals the beginnings of his criminal career: the Joker is crazier than ever!

The beginnings of the Joker retold, and integrated into the canon

In particular, he will resume the famous arc The Killing Joke to develop a three-part story entitled The Joker Year One. From issues 142 to 144, we will follow what appears to be the beginning of the Joker's story. Giuseppe Camuncolo was responsible for the first cover, but we will also find Stefano Nesi and Andrea Sorrentino alongside Alejandro Sanchez. Everything will be colored by Dave Stewart, a master in the field. Within the press release, the arc The Joker Year One is presented through a synopsis which evokes the leader of the Red Hood gang who allegedly fell into a vat of chemicals, followed by the question “what do you think you know about the beginnings of the Joker ?”

Batman's nemesis reveals the beginnings of his criminal career: the Joker is crazier than ever!

And unlike The Killing Joke, The Joker Year One will be part of the official canon, and the conclusions of the story should have echoes in the regular series. Some parts of the story will be told in the present, others in the past. DC Comics also specifies that Red Hood's gang will be reformed, and that only the Joker will be able to stop them. For the moment, it's difficult to know if Zdarsky is making a remake, a tribute or a rereading, but we'll quickly find out! Regardless, fans seem to be in turmoil, but some fear that all this will demystify the character, whose origins have been told in many different ways.

