The Hunt for Gollum probably with characters from previous films

A new film in the “Lord of the Rings” universe, “The Hunt for Gollum,” was recently announced. As the lead actor and director now hinted, familiar characters could return.

Just last month, Warner Bros. released a new film in the Lord of the Rings universe, The Hunt for Gollum. announcedHowever, fans will have to wait a while for the new film. The working title of “The Hunt for Gollum” is not expected to be released until 2026.


At the ACE Superhero Comic Con convention that took place last week, lead actor and director Andy Serkis made a few comments about “The Hunt for Gollum”. He suggested that characters that viewers already know could appear in the film.

Characters from the other films could appear again

“It will be the world of Middle Earth as Gollum experienced it,” Serkis said at the event about the upcoming film. “It's so early that it would be unfair to commit to anything at this point. But I will say it will be a deep dive where we explore the character of Gollum. There may be characters we know who may return. I won't say who though.”

It could also be that Serkis doesn't yet know exactly which characters he wants to bring back for his film. Because if you believe the film's co-producer, Peter Jackson, the people behind “The Hunt for Gollum” don't have a shared history yet.


Peter Jackson is involved again

Regardless, 65-year-old Aragorn actor Viggo Mortensen and 85-year-old Gandalf actor Ian McKellen would be open to a return. Mortensen stated that he would return to the universe if it made sense for his character Aragon. McKellen gave a slightly more morbid answer, saying he would do it if he were still alive by then.

The team behind “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” is also on board for the upcoming Gollum film. While Andy Serkis is directing “The Hunt for Gollum”, Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, who were responsible for the previous Tolkien films, will act as producers.

Another Middle Earth film by Jackson, Walsh and Boyens is also set to follow. However, nothing is known about the team's second new film yet.

Source: IGN

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