The end of Star Wars Episode 10? There is huge chaos

Currently, the fans of Star Wars a real rollercoaster of emotions. On the one hand, there is currently a huge shitstorm surrounding the new series The Acolytethe threatens to completely split the community. On the other hand, a mixture of optimism and anticipationafter all, a variety of new projects in production – including of the eagerly awaited Mandalorian filmRecently, there was also hope that soon finally see first pictures of Star Wars Episode 10But that will probably not happen, there are damn bad news.

When is Star Wars Episode 10 in cinemas?

The final launch date for Star Wars Episode 10: A New Beginning does not seem to be set in stone yet. After all, in recent years there have been constant changes in plans by Disney and Lucasfilmtherefore current information is always to be enjoyed with a certain degree of caution.


According to recent information, the 10th part of the Star Wars saga on December 17, 2026 will celebrate its big premiere. Then the fans can look forward to the long-awaited comeback of Daisy Ridley in the role of Rey However, dark clouds are currently gathering over the project.

Is Star Wars Episode 10 in danger?

Until recently, we read and heard that the starting signal for the filming of Star Wars Episode 10: A New Beginning in September this year. This would have fitted in well with the cinema date mentioned above: As soon as all scenes are in the can, an extensive post-production phase for editing and special effectsBut behind the scenes it seems not going according to plan – quite the opposite.

As insider Jordan Ruimy reports in World of Reel magazinethere is a lot of excitement surrounding the production of Star Wars Episode 10 currently a huge chaos. It seems that there is still no the final version of the script although author Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders) has already submitted four proposals. According to Ruimy, there is even a risk that Lucasfilm could rethink the current approach to the film spectacle, in the worst case could even mean its demise.


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When will we see the first pictures of Star Wars Episode 10?

At least it is almost certain that filming will definitely not begin in September This simultaneously reduces the probability that in the foreseeable future the first pictures of Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars Episode 10: A New Beginning will be seen. The latest Leaks from the filming of The Witcher Season 4 and the new Superman movie had recently raised corresponding hopes among fans.

Source: World of Reel
