The Elden Ring DLC ​​offers something to talk about

The Game of the Year 2022 continues: With the DLC Elden Ring: Shadow of the Earthtree is available for Soulslike fans to explore a completely new world. The land between has to make way for the land of shadows and brings with it a whole host of new enemies and new secrets. One reason for us to review the expansion again in the current edition of the PC Games Podcast.


Therefore, host Michael Grünwald has invited the two soul experts Annika Menzel and Stefan Wilhelm. Stefan, who has already test of the main game tells you his positive and negative experiences with Shadow of the Erdtree. Since there are currently a few critical voices about the DLC, our editor also comments on it.

Annika has also ridden miles through the Shadowland and reports on why she is not a big open world fan, but the game world in Elden Ring still works extremely well. Anyone who Tips needed for the run, you can find some articles about it on our websiteAs always, we hope you enjoy listening to the latest episode of the PC Games Podcast!

The test of the Elden Ring DLC ​​is of course also available as a video! On our YouTube channel you will also find lots of videos on current topics, retro specials and, among other things, our rumor mill every Tuesday.


Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree | REVIEW | The in-between lands overshadowed

We hope you enjoy the current issue! If you have any wishes for the future, such as special topics, but also criticism, suggestions or praise, then please write Maci an email ([email protected]) or via Twitter (@Macimodo).

Listen to the new episode right here!

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In keeping with the topic, you should definitely read the article and the video by our colleague Matthias. Buying Guide is about the ten best action role-playing games of the last few years. Fans of the genre will certainly get their money's worth, but some titles are also presented for newcomers.

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Buying Guide Action Role Playing Games | The currently best ARPGs 2024

All information about the PCG podcast

The PCG podcast is available on many different platforms, such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts and many others – of course completely free everywhere! There is a new episode every week with our moderators Maci Naeem Cheema and Michael Grünwald about big and small topics in the gaming landscape. We would be delighted if you subscribe to us, leave feedback or just listen quietly.

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