The anticipated remaster of a popular sci-fi film’s video game adaptation promises to bring the developers’ original vision to life – and fans can’t contain their excitement!

Game news The remaster of this horrific video game, adaptation of a successful sci-fi film, will realize “the original vision of the developers”. We're going to freak out!


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Imagined by the master of horror John Carpenter, this horror/SF film had a largely forgotten video game adaptation in the early 2000s. Nightdive Studios wants to restore it to its monstrous splendor.


Nightdive digs up the dead (again)

You probably know Nightdive Studio. This company is recognized for having become experts in resurrecting old video games. The story behind its creation is quite amusing. It was upon realizing that there was no way to legally obtain System Shock 2 in the late 1990s that Stephen Kick, a former artist at Sony Online Entertainment, embarked on a crazy mission : find the right holders to carry the title created by Ken Levine on modern machines. Kick then discovered that the intellectual property of the title belonged to an insurance company which acquired the share of Looking Glass Studios, the development studio, after its closure in May 2000. The young man negotiated and recovered the rights then distributed the software on GOG and Steam. Success is there.

This event is the starting point for Nightdive Studios, the new specialist in exhuming intellectual properties and remastering/remaking old titles. Founded in 2012, the company republishes many old glories such as The 7th Guest, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Turok, Forsaken and Shadow Man. Recently, it distinguished itself with the remaster of Quake 2 and with the remake of System Shock. Bought last year by Atari, the studio took advantage of summer events to announce its future project: the remaster of the video game The Thing.

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Announced as “a faithful restoration” of the game released in 2002, this version of The Thing will bring its share of improvements such as antialiasing, more realistic lighting, 4K resolution and a framerate of up to 144 frames per second.

At the house of GamesradarLarry Kuperman of Nightdive Studios said that Computer Artworks was “aware of the limits” of its title caused by the technology of the time. Without going into detail, without providing spoilers, there are certain things that we were able to achieve while respecting the original vision of the developers. This is something very important to us” he added. It is therefore possible that, like the Shadow Man remaster, the studio will integrate elements initially planned which had to be removed/changed at the time. We'll see that when The Thing: Remastered arrives this year on PC, PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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