The American Hospital of Paris plans to develop a digital replica for every patient

The idea is to develop an avatar of the patient in order to offer him a reflection of himself“. Here is how Benoit Gallix, professor of medicine and radiologist specializing in abdominal and digestive, diagnostic and interventional imaging, at the American Hospital of Paris, summarizes the “digital twin” project, as part of an exchange with The Digital Factory. He explains how the non-profit organization builds partnerships with companies to exploit health data cross-referenced with scientific and medical literature to prevent diseases.

“The goal is not to scare”

Ultimately, the objective is to equip each patient at the hospital located in Neuilly-sur-Seine.of a digital twin“. It is not a question of a map of his body broken down for each of its organs, specifies Benoit Gallix. In practice, the patient will have access to an application containing risk scores of developing this or that disease in the form of intelligible graphics.The goal is not to scareProfessor Gallix immediately specifies. We are talking about the probability of having a particular disease which is higher in certain people“This is also the specificity of the American Hospital project: prevention, a theme of which it has made its specialty.”We opened a prevention center, check-up center, in 1991. In 2023, 8,000 assessments have been carried out“, explains Robert Sigal, general director of the establishment, The Digital Factory.



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