SysLinuxOS 12.4 Launched: A Distribution Tailored for System Administrators

Held distribution release SysLinuxOS 12.4, built on the Debian 12 package base and aimed at providing a bootable live environment optimized for system integrators and administrators. For loading prepared builds with GNOME (4.8 GB) and MATE (5 GB) desktops. The environment works in Live mode, but also supports installation on disk using the Calamares installer. In the new release, the Linux kernel is updated to version 6.7, and the package base is synchronized with Debian 12.4. Improved menu organization in GNOME and MATE.

It includes a selection of pre-installed applications for monitoring and diagnosing network operation, tunneling traffic, running VPN, organizing remote access, intrusion detection, security testing, simulating network operation and traffic analysis, which can be used immediately after downloading the distribution from a USB drive. Applications included in the package: Wireshark, Etherape, Ettercap, PackETH, Packetsender, Putty, Nmap, GNS3, Lssid, Packet Tracer, Wine, Virtualbox, Teamviewer, Anydesk, Remmina, Zoom, Skype, Packetsender, Sparrow-Wifi, Angry Ip Scanner , Fast-cli, Speedtest-cli, ipcalc, iperf3, Munin, Stacer, Zabbix, Suricata, Firetools, Firewalk, Firejails, Cacti, Icinga, Monit, Nagios4, Fail2ban, Wireguard, OpenVPN, Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Microsoft Edge and Tor Browser.


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