[Switch] Mig Switch's new website is here – News and updates posted on LS

01/07/2024: Temporary new site for MigSwitch to access firmwares and more: www.migswitchru.com

Although the situation is still not clear, it seems our company has lost ownership of our domain name www.migswitch.com


First and most important: We are operating as usual. We are shipping our products. All orders are being fulfilled and nothing has changed besides the domain name.

We are shocked by what happened for several reasons, and we feel this is not only shocking for us but for the freedom of the Internet in general.

First, we were not warned or had a chance to respond and defend our products or at least the simple fact that whatever the complaint is, it applies only to a few countries and in no way allows to take down a domain for all users in the world. Can Afghanistan request to take down a .com website that goes back to its interests? We don't think so.

But more than that, this is a .com domain, meaning a universal domain applying to many countries.


“.com” domains sell products like drugs/medications which are only legal in certain countries, or gambling. US sites selling or promoting weapons which are illegal in just about every country on the planet are registered in .com. We never heard of any of them being seized as they are operating legally in their markets.

We clearly indicate on our site that our product is for legal use only in countries/jurisdictions where backing up your legally owned games is authorized. And there are many.

We do not even sell our products directly from our website. And there is no copyrighted material to be found anywhere.

If what we suspect is true, this is further proof of the abuse and bullying from some governments and companies which think they are above the laws of the world and do not respect anyone who thinks different.

We will not tolerate that attitude and bow down to those bullies.

Of course, IP blocking our site in countries where our products are considered illegal is totally acceptable. And we would never challenge it. In fact, this is the case for many companies. Some of our distributors even enforce that on their own.

But trying to tell the world what is right or wrong based on your country's point of view is really unacceptable and adds to the hatred of certain countries for their bullies' attitude.

Please note this site is likely only temporary as we know our many users need access to files and support and is a quick fix. We will likely move again to a more secure domain in the weeks to come.

Thank you for your understanding and for your support against the bullies of the world. As soon as we find out more about what happened, we will post about it so all of us can report to pro-freedom NGO and hopefully contribute to making the Internet a better place.

PS: If you are unable to access this website, we will post news and update on our .onion website accessible by TOR:4gnoefk5zilujdkixixlsiagd3al5cejg3ooiwq2uuxgizgpnpwq7cqd.onion
