[Switch] Atmosphere compatible with firmware 17.0.0 available – News and current affairs posted on LS

The developer ScireM offers version 1.6.0 of Atmosphere which is now compatible with firmware 17.0.0, version 1.6.0 is the seventy-fifth official version of Atmosphere.

Note: Atmosphere 1.6.0 is currently in pre-release and issues may arise that need to be resolved before full release.


If bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the version will be updated. Version 1.6.0 will upgrade after a short time without pressing bug reports. Atmosphère 1.6.0 comes with hbl 2.4.3 and hbmenu 3.5.1.

The following items have changed since the last version:

– Basic support has been added for firmware 17.0.0.

– The console should boot and the atmosphere should be fully functional. However, not all modules have been fully updated to reflect the latest changes.


– There should be nothing user visible because of this, but this will be fixed in a future Atmosphere update.

– exosphere has been updated to reflect the latest official secure monitor behavior.

– mesosphere has been updated to reflect the latest official kernel behavior.

– ncm has been updated to reflect the latest official behavior.

– erpt has been partially updated to support the latest official behavior.

– Atmosphere’s gdbstub now supports waiting to connect to a specific program ID on launch (as opposed to any application).

– The monitoring command for this is monitor wait , where the program id can optionally have a 0x prefix.

– Added support for editing files in place and performing 64-bit transfers (files larger than 4 GB).

– bpc.mit has been enabled on Mariko units and now triggers pmic based shutdowns/restarts (thanks@CTCaer), this should prevent the console from waking up around 15 seconds after Mariko shuts down.

– A number of minor issues have been resolved and improvements made, including:

– A workaround has been added for a change in version 17.0.0 that would cause consoles that had previously rebuilt their SYSTEM partition to crash when updating to version 17.0.0.

– General system stability improvements to improve user experience.
