Surprising News: Xbox Announces Games to be Released on Unlikely Platforms!

Game news It's official, Xbox will release games on other platforms… but they're not the ones you'd expect!

This evening, Xbox finally took the floor to address the various rumors that have emerged on the Internet in recent weeks. In their Xbox Business Update, Phil Spencer notably announced the arrival of several games previously exclusive to other platforms. Be careful, these are not the ones you are thinking of!


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Xbox reveals the future of the platform

For a little over a week, the Internet has been teeming with very concrete and very credible rumors about certain Xbox exclusives which would eventually integrate other platforms such as the PlayStation 5 or the Nintendo Switch. Given the scale of these leaks and other rumors, Phil Spencer (the boss of Microsoft's gaming branch) really had no choice but to address the public. At 9 p.m. this evening, a video was published on the official Xbox YouTube channel in which Phil Spencer, Sarah Bond And Matt Booty took the floor to explain what the future of Xbox would look like.

In this video, the thinking heads of Microsoft's gaming branch took stock of the state of the industry and the future that we can imagine for it. After taking stock of the last 10 years, they came to the conclusion that here 5 to 10 years, the number of games that will only be playable on a single platform will drop drastically until they become real exceptions. According to Phil Spencer, this is an obvious fact that is already being verified today (even Sony is starting to publish its exclusives on PC after a certain delay), and he would like Xbox to be a “great platform for creators trying to realize that potential.” As such, the boss of Xbox has made official what everyone already thought: certain Xbox and PC exclusives will finally be released on other platforms.

Four Xbox/PC-exclusive games will finally be exported elsewhere

The video broadcast by Xbox on their official YouTube channel started very strong since Phil Spencer decided to directly tackle the subject that was on everyone's lips: the upcoming arrival of Xbox games on other platforms. In recent days, certain rumors have revealed that some games like Sea of ​​Thieves, Hi-Fi Rush, Gears of War or even Starfield could arrive on PlayStation or Nintendo Switch one day or another. To cut short any suspense, Phil Spencer has confirmed some elements of this rumor.


Yes, some games will arrive on platforms other than Xbox or PC in the coming months. However, Phil Spencer remained a bit mysterious about the titles of the games in question. Indeed, he only confirmed that four games were affected and that' it was neither Starfield nor Indiana Jones and the Ancient Circle. If he did not want to say more to let the developers of the games in question make their own announcement in due time, he did however give some clues which allow speculation.

These two games will remain exclusives for the moment

It's official, Xbox will release games on other platforms... but they're not the ones you'd expect!

Indeed, Phil Spencer talked about games that have been out for at least a year and have had some community success. According to him, these are games that were never really designed to stay forever as exclusives on Xbox and PC, but they were waiting for them to reach their full potential on these platforms before releasing them to go s install elsewhere. In doing so, Phil Spencer hopes that these games will benefit from a new life, which could make it possible to produce sequels or simply new games. Better yet, the Xbox boss hopes that by letting players from other platforms discover games originally released on the Microsoft ecosystem, they will end up being attracted in turn by the Redmond firm. A strategy that makes sense, and which should not change Microsoft's long-term plans.

If it is therefore still a little too early to know which four games will soon arrive on other platforms, by combining the information given by Phil Spencer and that revealed by rumors, we can already think of a few names. Hi-Fi Rush And Penment are obviously on the front line, but we could also think of Sea of ​​Thieves For example. Obviously, there is no doubt that the developers of the games concerned will soon make their announcement. All that remains is to arm yourself with a little patience.
