Super Mario 64 Turns 28: A Quirky Birthday Celebration in the Works!

Game news Super Mario 64 is celebrating its 28th birthday and for the occasion, a user is preparing a very strange birthday party!


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Super Mario 64 is not thirty years old, but almost: on the occasion of its 28th anniversary, a player wanted to pay tribute to it in a slightly special way.


Mario everywhere, all the time

Nintendo's greatest icon, and perhaps even the greatest icon in video games, Mario is probably the Japanese company's most valuable asset. The mustachioed plumber helped it become the market leader in the 1980s – first in 2D – before trying his hand at 3D in 1996 on the legendary Nintendo 64. And it was a slight success, yes.

So to speak, Shigeru Miyamoto's title simply broke the codes and revolutionized the genre: even today, it is a masterclass whose universe, levels, variety and influence can be felt. One of the most cult video games in the history of the industry on which an entire community continues to work, while Nintendo has enjoyed porting it to many consoles over the generations. In short, a legend of which we never tire and whose main theme we still continue to hum, decades later.

=Marios in the plural =

Super Mario 64 was released on Nintendo 64 on June 23, 1996 in Japan and the United States: that was 28 years ago all the same. In Europe and Australia, however, we had to wait until 1997. A time that will bring back sweet memories for some of you.

On Nintendo 64, DS, 3DS, Wii U, but also laptop, PSP, PS Vita, smartphones via the emulator… and he did not fail to display it on several types of television, from flat screen to small format cathode ray tube.

The result is a sort of live cacophony – some would even say a multiverse – inevitably amusing that the player hastened to broadcast on the internet. A popular post that has garnered almost 400,000 views, 2,000 shares and 12,000 likes.

Let's remember that among the official ports, the title received the Super Mario 64 DS remake in 2005 to celebrate Mario's twentieth anniversary. Revised graphics, additional levels, stylus mini-games and even a multiplayer with several additional playable characters. Will Nintendo offer a new edition of its flagship game for the thirty years?

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