Story trailer for the horror title delivers oppressive impressions

Following the release of the first gameplay scenes last month, a new story trailer for the horror title “A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead” is now available to view. The trailer explains the plot and provides immersive impressions of the game world.

Already in autumn 2021, Saber Interactive announced a video game adaptation the alien horror “A Quiet Place” for consoles and PC.


After years of silence around the project, Saber Interactive finally provided us with first information and a trailer. In addition, the first story trailer for “A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead”as the video game adaptation is called, is available for viewing.

This gives us dark impressions from the horror title and sets the mood for an oppressive gaming experience. The scary aliens can also be seen.

Experience the films in a whole new way

According to official information, the story of “A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead” spans both films and lets you experience them in a whole new way. In terms of gameplay, “A Quiet Place” is a horror title that you experience from a first-person perspective.

You take on the role of Alex, an asthmatic college student. Together with her friend Martin, Alex tries to survive in a world where the Earth has fallen victim to the invasion of an alien power.


The gameplay focuses on a quiet approach and stealth mechanics. Just like in the films, the invasion caused human society as we know it to collapse. Since the blind aliens react to every sound, the survivors must move through the world as quietly as possible.

For this reason, people in the world of “A Quiet Place” often communicate using sign language.

Which studio is behind the title?

“The road ahead is paved with good choices. Prepare to survive in a world of atmosphere and terror, where the slightest sound can trigger catastrophe,” the official description of “A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead” continues.

The developers at Stormind Games are responsible for developing the immersive first-person horror experience. The studio, which specializes in horror games, has received mixed feedback in recent years.

“Remothered: Tormented Fathers,” for example, was well received by both critics and the community in 2017. quite good. “Remothered: Broken Porcelain” from 2020, on the other hand, turned out to be a gaming disappointment and brought it on Metacritic Depending on the platform, the average rating is between 39 and 44 points.

“A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead” will be released later this year for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

More news about A Quiet Place.

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