Solution to the quest: A wise man among the wise men Gamosaurus

Our complete solution is here to accompany you on your journey in the world of Dofus. Detailed guides to easily progress through the main stages of the game, find stuff or even set up your professions. You can find the solution to the quest in our guide
“A wise man among the wise” In

Everything you need to know

PrerequisitesRecommended level: 40
Quests: “The Dofus Receptacle”
“Intrusion among the Wabbits”
Awards145,296 XP
2,856 Kamas
Cawwot x2
LocationPandala [20,-27]
PredictableCombat (alone) x2
500 Kamas

Solution to the quest
“A wise man among the wise”

By finishing the discussion with Surivitna, the quest begins immediately. It teaches you that a person whose destiny is linked to that of a Dofus can help you in your quest. Living in the Lenalds' home, Ronald is the ideal candidate to lend you a helping hand.


See you in [22,-28] to question Guipol about Ronald's position. Unfortunately, only Helmeline knows this information and Guipol doesn't want to let you bother her. Start with “Accept the challenge of Guipol”
to earn the right to speak to him. A fight then begins against the Lenald, which is carried out alone.

Once the fight is over, you can freely speak to Helmeline who tells you that Ronald has gone to the Lenalds' native island. It now has another name: Wabbit Island. You will therefore have no other choice but to go there having completed the quest. “Intrusion among the wabbits”.

History lesson

To access Wabbit Island, you will need to go to Madrestam Port, in [9,-2], and speak with Captain Lily. The trip will cost you 500 Kamas. So remember to go to the Zaap map in [25,-4] to avoid having to return to see her in the future. All you have to do is go find Wanald the Wise Lenald in [23,-4]

For “Tell him about Ronald the Wise Lenald”. He went to explore the island's underground passages. Before you start chasing him, you can cast ” Never two without three “ to start the Cawotte Dofus.


You will therefore have to go to [24,-7], in the underground passages, to find the Lenald. Start by going to the surface map and entering one of the houses before taking the underground passage. You will find Ronald battling Wabbits. Talk to him for him “Suggest another form of negotiation and defend the wise Lenald” in order to launch a fight which takes place in the company of Lenald.

Once the fight is over, speak again with Ronald who suggests that you return to a slightly quieter place to chat. You just need to go back to [23,-4] to talk to him.

By discussing the primordial Dofus with him, the quest
“A wise man among the wise” ends on
Dofus. You unlock the next step of your adventure, “Divine protection”.
