Shanghai is home to the first China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association Game Museum, boasting over 1,000 core exhibits, including the world’s first electronic game console

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Gamingdeputy reported on June 28 that the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association announced today that the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association Game Museum will be located in Shanghai.The museum will start trial operation in late July 2024..

The China Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association Game Museum is guided by the China Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association, supported by the Xuhui District People's Government of Shanghai, hosted by the Game Industry Research Expert Committee of the China Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association, co-organized by Shanghai Caohejing New Technology Development Zone Development Corporation, Shanghai Xuhui District Party Committee Propaganda Department, Shanghai Xuhui District Culture and Tourism Bureau, Shanghai Xuhui District Hongmei Street Office, and undertaken by the Game Research Society.After completion, it will become the first and largest professional video game museum in China..


Gamingdeputy learned that the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association Game Museum is located in Caohejing New Technology Development Zone, Xuhui District, Shanghai.The museum covers an area of ​​2,000 square metersdivided into several areas including permanent exhibition area and temporary exhibition area.

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The permanent exhibition area is about 1,000 square meters, divided into four major exhibition areas:“Early Video Games”, “Console Wars”, “The Development of Computer Games” and “Chinese Games” will display more than 1,000 core exhibits.

  • “Early Video Games” will cover the major gaming platforms of the 1970s and 1980s, including early arcade machines, home consoles, handhelds, and the increasingly popular home computer games;

  • The “Console Wars” section includes milestone products from console manufacturers such as Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft;

  • The “Development of Computer Games” exhibition area will present the development of early computer game software, supplemented by the iteration of hardware technologies such as graphics cards and CPUs, to jointly witness the development trend of this industry;

  • In the “Chinese Games” exhibition area, the Game Museum will start from China's earliest game consoles and game software products, and through numerous precious physical collections, sort out the different development stages of the game industry from its inception, development, prosperity, and even globalization.

The Game Museum collects Jinpan Electronics' early products, including the first stand-alone game in mainland China.


▲ Early Jinpan Electronics products collected by the Game Museum, including the first stand-alone game in mainland China

In addition to the permanent exhibition,The China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association Museum has a collection of more than 5,000 game collectionsincluding more than 300 game consoles from different periods in the history of games, more than 1,000 boxed games (including more than 600 domestic games); more than 3,000 peripherals such as game magazines, game music CDs and vinyl records, art collections, posters, and more than 1,000 themed physical peripherals. These collections will be open to the public for viewing, playing, and learning through exhibitions, activities, and interactive experiences with different themes.

According to the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association, during the preparation for the museum’s construction, the staff of the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association’s Game Museum discovered many blank areas in the history of domestic games through the collection and research of physical objects. For example, in the early 1980s when electronic games were just born, there were many electronics factories in not only Hong Kong and Taiwan that produced electronic game consoles mainly for overseas markets, but alsoThere are also electronics factories producing home video game consoles in Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Guangxi and other places in mainland China.Some of them are even recorded in local chronicles. This period of history was rarely recorded in the past. The museum can help visitors better understand China’s gaming history during this period through the display of related items.

In addition, the museum also provides a disassembled version of the Magnavox Odyssey game console, which was born in 1972, showing its internal circuit board and other structures.Allows visitors to peek inside the mysterious interior of the world's first video game console.

The world's first home video game console, Magnova Odyssey, collected by the Game Museum

▲ The world's first home game console, MILO Odyssey, collected by the Game Museum

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