Sequel aims to “push boundaries” with social issues

The action role-playing game “Cyberpunk 2077” had already critically addressed some social problems. However, CD Projekt RED wants to go even deeper beneath the surface with its successor.

When CD Projekt RED released Phantom Liberty, a comprehensive expansion for the action role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077, last year, it saved the tarnished reputation of the ambitious adventure. Since then, it has also been known that CD Projekt RED's American arm is also working on the successor is under development.


The sequel is being developed under the code name “Project Orion” and the developers hope that they can raise the bar even higher in one area. They want to comment on social problems even better.

Cyberpunk 2077 had only scratched the surface

In the latest episode of the AnswerRed Podcasts Deputy Game Director Paweł Sasko spoke about the social commentary. He said that they had not gone far enough in “Cyberpunk 2077”. Although they did not want to give players answers to the social problems, they could have taken a stronger stance.

“For example, I see that we didn't go far enough in some areas. Let's say, the homelessness crisis. When I look at that, I think, 'We didn't go far enough in Cyberpunk 2077.' We thought we were dystopian, but we only touched the surface.”

Paweł Sasko, Deputy Game Director, CD Projekt RED in AnswerRed Podcast

The homeless crisis is a constant companion in the USA. Currently, more than 650,000 people in the United States live on the streets. And as the Supreme Court recently decidedUS cities will be allowed to ban homeless camps and sleeping on the streets. Time will tell how this could exacerbate the problem even further.

But if we come back to “Cyberpunk 2077”, Dan Hernberg, the executive producer behind the sequel, also supports Sasko's statement. In his opinion, the cyberpunk genre is more relevant than ever. Megacorporations, people at the limit, the exploitation of resources, the gap between rich and poor and much more are always a topic in today's world.


In the video game you have the opportunity to tell these stories, but you can't neglect the relationships and the people. Since you're in a “really broken world”, you can also address some things in more detail.

These social issues can be addressed in a very moving way in “Cyberpunk 2077” and, accordingly, in “Project Orion”. And so the developers also want to show exactly what the world is like today and what it could look like in a few years.

Accordingly, it will be interesting to see how socially critical the new part will actually be. At the very least, there should be enough topics that can be incorporated.

Source: IGN

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