Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: Zenless Zone Zero: Our best tips for getting started on MiHoYo's latest game!

Zenless Zone Zero is finally available on July 4, 2024. To start the adventure in the best conditions, here are some tips gathered in the same guide so that new players as well as those used to HoYoverse productions can find their way around.

Summary of all our guides and codes for Zenless Zone Zero



  • Progress
    • What should you do every day in Zenless Zone Zero?
    • How to progress in Zenless Zone Zero?
    • What are the endgame modes in Zenless Zone Zero?
  • Fight
    • A mandatory passage through the training box
    • Understand team composition well
    • Essential preparation before leaving!
  • Summons, Draws and Gacha
    • How does the summoning system work?
    • Who should we call on, Ellen or Zhu Yuan?
    • Who to choose from the 300 wishes?


What should you do every day in Zenless Zone Zero?

Like other HoYoverse productions, Zenless Zone Zero invites the player to play every day to progress properly. But concretely, what should be done to progress serenely? First of all, the important thing is to complete the family schedule every day.. To get the 400 daily points, you just have to do simple things like drink a coffee, scratch a ticket at the kiosk or even the video club at the public. And that's good, because These activities are also to be done every day for what they bring : the café allows you to recover 60 energy points and benefit from bonuses, the tickets give rewards and the shop allows you to collect money.

In addition, you can set two additional goals to earn points to increase your account rankwhich is always mandatory to progress in the adventure so you might as well not miss a crumb. Beyond this daily content, The hunts for the infamous are to be done every week. These are story boss fights to be replayed out of context to collect materials needed to improve your agents. It's best to find out which boss to do based on your needs before you start. Then, There are some Zero Void goals to do weeklyan endgame mode that we will come back to later.

Like in Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero requires players to have a certain account rank in order to progress through the storyline.. If we have already mentioned the personalized agenda to be done daily, other activities should not be neglected in parallel. For example, It is highly recommended to do all side quests and character missions which bring quite a bit of account experience.

Beyond finding side quests in the hub, do not hesitate to consult the internode to recover new commissions. By the way, a little tip, to find your way among all the posts, it is possible to directly select the commissions to activate at the bottom left of the screen. And then, at launch, It is imperative to complete the objectives set by the manual because the latter offers many interesting rewards, therefore account experience.


Zenless Zone Zero: Our best tips for getting started on MiHoYo's latest game!

What are the endgame modes in Zenless Zone Zero?

Beyond the hunts for the infamous, Zenless Zone Zero features two types of endgame content at launch: Shiyu's Defense and Zero Void. For the first, it's the equivalent of Genshin Impact's Abyss or Honkai Star Rail's Chaos Memories. Basically, it's ten combat levels that feature clashes against powerful enemies that must be defeated to obtain rewards. Simple and effective. For the Void Zero, it's a bigger chunk. This time, it's a succession of dungeons in rogue-like mode where you can collect improvements called Resonia to facilitate your progression until you face the boss.

In each game, we obtain points which advance the level of our license and at each level we collect rewards. To move forward even faster, you can complete the objectives set by the tracking commissions. However, you can only do 4 special commissions and 3 municipalities per week and the number of inspection points is limited per week. To make things easier, we find the combat configuration which is a sort of skill tree where we can benefit from definitive statistic bonuses. Clearly, once the story is wrapped up, this is where players will spend most of their time.

Zenless Zone Zero: Our best tips for getting started on MiHoYo's latest game!


A mandatory passage through the training box

While Zenless Zone Zero's gameplay may seem simple at first, it shouldn't be underestimated. Clearly, in the endgame modes, if you don't master the perfect dodge, the perfect parry, and the alteration mechanics, it's hard to get through. So before jumping in, the title has the good idea of ​​offering you a training mode. You can do both free training and find tutorials for basic mechanics. Even better, each character has a tutorial dedicated to them before you fully understand their subtleties.

Understand team composition well

In Zenless Zone Zero, The teams are made up of three agents between whom one can alternateeven if only one character is present at a time on the field. But before going on a mission, it is important to properly build your squad with roles that complement each other. At launch, there are five different archetypes:

  • Attack : Their goal is to inflict maximum damage on their enemies.
  • Confusion : These characters increase the confusion gauge of enemies who become stunned, vulnerable and take more damage once full.
  • Anomaly : They apply debuffs to their target, produce more anomaly accumulation, and trigger attribute anomalies to weaken enemies.
  • Support : Their role is to strengthen other agents in combat by giving them bonuses.
  • Defense : They are very durable and can both withstand attacks and retaliate.

If we obviously choose our agents based on the recommended type, hard to do without an attack and confusion character for a mission. This is particularly the case for the second as this role is extremely effective in making the enemy vulnerable as quickly as possible. In any case, it is better to vary the composition of your squad to increase its effectiveness: attack, confusion and anomaly has everything to be an optimal compositionif the mission types allow it.

Zenless Zone Zero: Our best tips for getting started on MiHoYo's latest game!

Essential preparation before leaving!

As in Monster Hunter, Before going into battle, it is better to eat for one simple reason: bonuses! In Zenless Zone Zero, this can be found at the noodle stand in the neighborhood where our heroes live and is highly recommended to check out.

Summons, Draws and Gacha

In Zenless Zone Zero, the draw system is based on an identical operation to that of Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. Thus, an S-rank agent is guaranteed every 90 draws with 50% whether it is the one highlighted on the limited banner. This pity system resets once the character is obtained and the draw count is transmitted from one limited banner to another. In addition to having a guaranteed A-rank agent or item every ten draws, At the start the game offers -20% on the first 5 series of 10 invocations of the permanent banner, with a guaranteed S agent among the first 50 draws. And like on Honkai, you can get the agent of your choice after 300 draws. So it's better to go and get your first S rank offered at the start of the game before going to the limited banner.

Zenless Zone Zero: Our best tips for getting started on MiHoYo's latest game!

Who should we call on, Ellen or Zhu Yuan?

At the launch of Zenless Zone Zero, Ellen is the first character available on the limited banner. During the second phase, it will be Zhu Yuan. Even though the game is offering a hundred draws to celebrate its release, most free-to-play players will have to choose between these two agents since there is no guarantee that there will be enough resources to obtain both. Currently, It is difficult to decide clearly in favor of one or the other.especially since they are both Attack types.

Nevertheless, Zhu Yuan has a strong argument that can work in her favor: she is one of only two characters of the Ether element at launch.. Conversely, Ellen is Ice, a type represented by three characters at launch, including Lycaon, a particularly strong Anomaly. However, if we refer to the history of Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, The rarest items are not necessarily the most useful and so we'll have to wait before we get a definitive answer. Save up for now!

Zenless Zone Zero: Our best tips for getting started on MiHoYo's latest game!

Who to choose from the 300 wishes?

As in Honkai Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero offers players the chance to choose an S-rank agent after making 300 draws on the permanent banner.. Among the proposed characters, we find Grace, Alexandrina, Koleda, Nekomiya, Soldier 11 and Von Lycaon. Very clearly, some characters already stand out. Lycaon is by far the best since it is just as capable of quickly confusing the enemy as it is of applying a debuff to them.

If you are in need of support, It's hard to miss Alexandrina who will know how to buff your allies.. And if you are lacking DPS, Grace, Nekomiya and Soldier 11 are all worth it, even if we would have a preference for the first one which is of the Anomaly type and which can serve as Sub-DPS to an already solid DPS. Finally, Koleda remains a little behind since Lycaon does better than her and she is Fire, an element already very represented at launch.

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