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Game news To correct this flaw in Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt has made a radical decision for its sequel: it will be more authentic!


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Released in 2020, Cyberpunk 2077 is an adaptation of Mike Pondsmith's tabletop role-playing game. Depicting a futuristic American society in which big corporations control everything and where technology mixes with biology, you have to find your place. An immediate commercial success and delayed critical success, Cyberpunk 2077 will be entitled to a sequel which aims to be even more relevant.


Cyberpunk 2077: an obstacle course for developers

Three and a half years ago, Cyberpunk 2077 was released, a long-awaited title from CD Projekt, especially after the immense success of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Unfortunately, following numerous postponements, a development that brought to light numerous (recognized) failures in management and ambitions expressed too early, the release was marred by multiple problems.

Only PC versions were sent in advance to the press and videographers, the console versions only arriving the day before the release or the same day. Even if the PC version held up as long as you had the machine for it, Cyberpunk 2077 suffered from many bugs and many promises were not kept. On console, the situation was worse, with PS4 and Xbox One versions “fat”' not far from being unplayable. The situation was such that Sony removed the game from its online store for a time.

After acknowledging his mistakes and initiated a profound internal reorganizationCD Projekt has been working to provide players with countless updates. Little by little, the game has regained its colors and has been enhanced with additional content. Some systems have even been completely overhauled, like that of skills or the police. As patches are released, player feedback is sent back and Cyberpunk 2077 enjoys an excellent reputation today. The release of the Phantom Liberty expansion was the icing on the cake, concluding years of hardship in the best possible way.

To correct this flaw in Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt made a radical decision for its sequel: it will be more authentic!

Watch Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty PC on GOG

Cyberpunk '2' will be more 'American' according to director and executive producer

Today, no one is working on the game anymore, the teams are focused on The Witcher: Polaris and Project Orion, which is none other than the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077. This sequel will not be developed in Poland, or at least that is not where the main team will be located. Following the good results of the studio and the reorganization of teams and production methods, CD Projekt bought and opened several studios. Pawel Sasko, quest director of the game as well as the main team have therefore packed their bags and headed for new premises, located in Boston and Vancouver.. In a recent internal podcast called AnsweRED, Pawel Sasko indicated that the goal was to take advantage of local talent to better understand and transcribe North American culture :

(…) Like manhole covers are roads, right? There was this post[on Reddit]with the guy saying that there was this immersion-breaking bug in Cyberpunk, and the bug was that the manhole covers were the ones you normally use in Europe, in Germany. (…) It's not immersion-breaking, but it's just these little things where you think, “Well, maybe this wasn't made by people who live here, or maybe this wasn't made by people who don't fully understand the whole American culture.”

To correct this flaw in Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt has made a radical decision for its sequel: it will be more authentic!To correct this flaw in Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt made a radical decision for its sequel: it will be more authentic!

Dan Hernberg, executive producer of Project Orion, adds a layer, highlighting Cyberpunk role-playing game creator Mike Pondsmithwho also worked with the studio on the video game adaptation:

I think Cyberpunk is obviously a quintessentially American story. There's a lot of punk energy, and it was written by an American, so it feels right to do it in America.

We will have to wait many years before discovering this sequel, the absolute priority of CD Projekt studios being given to the return of The Witcher franchise. More than 400 developers are currently working internally on this new gamewhile a small team of around 55 people are working on the pre-production of Project Orion.

About Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty


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