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Game news The streaming platform Twitch does not hesitate to ban anyone who breaks the rules and this streamer has paid the price!


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The streaming platform Twitch, known for its strict vigilance regarding compliance with its rules, does not hesitate to ban streamers. This famous videographer paid the price, even if Twitch still has a big problem.


A very harsh regulation

Twitch has many rules to respect to be able to stream peacefully. Among the most obvious prohibitions: sexual images, violence, drugs, as well as any problematic comments. More specific and restrictive for creators, we can cite the respect of copyright, which prevents many people from broadcasting certain events or playing certain music. However, all this is only the surface of Twitch's rules, which are particularly complex, but must be respected to continue to exist on the platform. A few days ago, a videographer was banned permanently, a historic first.

Twitch's Biggest Problem

With over 6.7 million subscribers on the platform, the streamer Nickmercsfrom his real name Nicholas Kotcheffwas banned from Twitch. He had become particularly known for his streams on various FPS, but especially on Call of Duty: Warzone. However, during a live, he made transphobic remarks, claiming that this community did not exist, before using an anti-trans insult which earned him this punishment. On social networks, he immediately rebelled, but does not seem to have learned his lesson. It is not known if he will ever return to the platform, because this incident has highlighted one of Twitch's biggest flaws.

Even the CEO Dan Clancy said, bans on Twitch still have a big problem. Usually, they are only temporary and can last from a few days to almost a month. The problem is that it is difficult for a streamer to know why he was banned. With so much uncertainty, it is difficult to predict a return to the platform. Videographers sometimes disappear for reasons unknown to them and often believe that they have done nothing wrong. The streamer AnimalisaKeys had also had the misfortune of violating Twitch's rules. While she was just playing the piano in front of her 30 viewers, she was banned for “spam”. That's really a very vague criticism.

For Clancy's part, he laments that this prevents creators from learning from their mistakes, but promises to work on a new system.I agree that this is something we can do better on.” he explained, as reported by Gamerant. In the meantime, for Nickmercs, he will have to make do with the Kick platform, with which he signed a contract and which still welcomes him with open arms.

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