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In The First Descendant, you have the choice between 14 Legatees to explore the continent of Ingris and repel the threat of the Vulgus. Each character has their own set of unique abilities, and some are even more useful at the beginning of the game. Without further ado, discover the 5 Legatees to unlock first to maximize your chances of survival!



  • The Legatees to unlock first in The First Descendant
  • Lepic: The Supreme Grenadier
  • Ajax: The goalkeeper released
  • Valby: The Shape of Water
  • Jayber: The genius engineer
  • Freyna: Queen of Poison

The Legatees to unlock first in The First Descendant

The new free-to-play looter shooter from the South Korean studio Nexon Games is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox OneAnd Xbox Seriesand fans of this genre are expected to be in for a treat. Inspired by titles like Warframe And destiny, The First Descendant propose 14 characters to explore the continent of Ingris. Each Legatee has unique skills that will satisfy different player profiles, but some clearly stand out, such as Bunny. With exemplary speed, significant damage, and fun and dynamic gameplay, Bunny is arguably the most powerful Legatee in the game.. However, this is not the only competent character, and we have prepared for you a list of the 5 Legatees to unlock as a priority apart from Bunny (which can be obtained through an early-game tutorial).

Lepic: The Supreme Grenadier

The First Descendant: the 5 Legatees to unlock as a priority

Peak is one of the 3 Legatees you can choose at the start of the game, and is a very good choice to advance quickly in missions. Despite a low Defense and Shield, his max HP is quite decent, and his passive skill, Great Escapeallows him to resist a fatal blow and regain his strength to continue a fight that would have ended brutally for another Legatee.

Their active skills are very complementary, and it is enough to start with Overpower to add an effect of Burn has Grenade throwing And Overarmament. All you have to do is send a Attraction grenade to group enemies in one place, and top it all off with a classic grenade (made incendiary thanks to Overpower) or the special weapon of Peakand you'll be cleaning up in no time.

The only downside is probably the character's rather low Defense, which can be bypassed with good modules or external components. Add to that a reactor that increases the damage of the effects of Burnand you will roll over most groups of enemies!


Ajax: The goalkeeper released

The First Descendant: the 5 Legatees to unlock as a priority

Ajax is also one of the 3 Legatees you can choose at the start of the game, and his high survivability makes him a very good choice while you learn to master the game. His high Defense and max HP are coupled with skills that allow him to create barriers that can block damage, and reflect it back to enemies in the case of Orbital barrier.

Its operation is quite similar to the Sentinel Titan (or Void Titan) of Destiny 2since he is able to protect his allies with Orbital barrier And Hyper cube while dealing significant damage to enemies with Expulsion And Walk of Nothingness. These offensive skills are all the more useful for managing groups of enemies since the first one pushes back enemies while the second one stuns them.

Diversity of skills of Ajax and its high survivability make it a notable asset for a team, and allows you to play solo without taking the lead.

Valby: The Shape of Water

The First Descendant: the 5 Legatees to unlock as a priority

Valby is arguably the best Legatee in the game after Bunny due to high mobility and high damage rate. Its major asset is Maelstromthe debuff she inflicts with most of her abilities. This debuff reduces the neutral resistance and electricity resistance of enemies hit by 20%, making them vulnerable to attacks from these types. This kind of debuff is not only useful solo, but it is guaranteed to hit home in a team with Bunny.

Thanks to Aqueous osmosishis passive skill, Valby consumes less MP when standing in a puddle, and can therefore multiply skills and associated damage, making her a real killing machine. With the skills Bubble ball And Splash splash, Valby can create puddles of water that not only inflict the effect Maelstrom to enemies hit, but especially continuous damage to opponents standing in puddles. She can also gather enemies in one place with her Maelstrom Grenades to maximize the effects of his debuff and promote coordinated team attacks.

Additionally, she can teleport within the puddle created by Splash splash to knock down enemies, allowing him to cover quite a bit of ground. His mobility is further aided by the skill Cleaningthanks to which she can liquefy to pass through enemies and create a stream on the ground to spread his debuff. Additionally, Valby is a character as powerful as he is easy to use, and is a real gem in co-op mode.

Jayber: The genius engineer

The First Descendant: the 5 Legatees to unlock as a priority

Jayber is probably the most versatile Legatee in the game. His skills allow him to send a Assault turret on the ground to deal damage to enemies, as well as a Medical turret able to restore the HP of allies present in the healing area. His passive skill, Synchronized turretsgrants him 20% attack and skill power bonuses when a turret of each type is on the field.

With his skill Multi-function gunhe can equip himself with a unique weapon that allows him to improve the turrets hit by his bullets (which increases their duration, range, and continuous damage) but also to restore his HP by hitting the improved turret, and inflict damage on enemies by shooting at them. With Reactivateit can cause turrets to explode to deal explosive damage, which activates Revision and makes turrets appear in the turret area as long as the buff is active.

With all that, Jayber is a very balanced character who benefits from high survivability. He is very good both solo and in a team, and will be effective both against groups of enemies and against bosses alone.

Freyna: Queen of Poison

The First Descendant: the 5 Legatees to unlock as a priority

Freyna is an expert in damage over time. At first glance, she may seem weak and difficult to handle due to her low max HP and Defense, but the debuff associated with her skills is a real goldmine in terms of damage. The effect of Poison inflicted by his bullets, puddles, and toxic swamps deals continuous damage to enemies hit, and can also be transmitted through his Defense mechanism when enemies attack him, or via the toxic footprints left by enemies with the debuff Excess venom.

To get the most out of the sound effects Poisonyou must take into account his passive skill, Infectious linkswhich increases the power of toxic skills Freyna depending on the number of infected enemies. The more enemies you infect with Poisonthe more damage your attacks do, especially toxic bullets from Venomous trauma and the unique weapon Baptism of Venom. If you take the time to infect as many enemies as possible before you start shooting, you will be able to wipe out large groups of enemies with very few bullets.

For this reason, Freyna is excellent for dealing with groups of enemies, but her skills will be less useful against single bosses. If you're looking for an alternative Legacy that can deal a fair amount of damage over time in most situations, don't hesitate to opt for Blairwhich gains a critical hit bonus when enemies suffer Burn. Note however that this character must stand fairly close to the enemies and anticipate their movements to deploy his skills, the effect of Burn only taking effect at the point of impact (and the range of his skills isn't incredible).

About The First Descendant

Game news

The First Descendant has a release date and is going big at Summer Game Fest.


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