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Culture news Pay close attention when watching the latest episode of The Acolyte! The Star Wars series promises fans a big surprise


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To the delight of fans, this fifth episode of The Acolyte revealed many things, but also raised other questions. However, the key to answering these questions could well be found… in the music of certain scenes.



Warning! This article may contain many spoilers for those who have not seen the fifth episode of The Acolyte.

An explosive episode

In this fifth episode of The Acolyte, the series finally revealed the face of the series' great antagonist. After a bloody battle that resulted in the deaths of many Jedi, the mystery of the one who fights armed with a red saber has finally been solved. Behind the mask, hides Qimir, Mae's curious sidekick. Introducing himself to Jedi Master Sol, the latter specifies that they can name him Sith. This is strange considering that at this point in the timeline, only two Sith are supposed to exist. Also, at the beginning of the prequel, the Jedi believe the Sith are extinct.

The Acolyte series will therefore have to clarify this situation in the last three episodes if they do not want to create inconsistency. The solution to this enigma could also be based on a simple point, maybe Qimir isn't actually a Sith and is just embracing the dark sideand this, without being forced to Rule of two of the order.

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And a familiar sound theme

To support this theory, a well-known sound theme is present in the series. Indeed, during a scene in episode 5 that gives pride of place to Qimir, a strange and sinister melody rings out. The most loyal fans will have recognized it, This is the theme music associated with Kylo Renone of the main characters in the postlogy. In the three films in which he appears, very little information has been given to us about Ben Solo's transformation into Kylo Ren. And yet, in the past, the latter formed an important alliance with the Knights of Ren, a group of dark side fanatics separated from the Sith.

So if we add the musical reference, Qimir's strange introductory phrase and his mask very inspired by the Knights of Ren. There are very strong reasons to believe that the antagonist of The Acolyte is linked to Ben Solo's order. Especially since Leslye Headland, creator and producer of the show, herself confirms that the use of music was not just a worthless reference.

“This is all done on purpose, but I can't tell you why, or go into details. But you'll see.” Leslye Headland on using Kylo Ren's theme in The Acolyte.

While we wait to learn more about this, The Acolyte is still available on Disney+. The sixth episode has just been released on July 3.

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