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News tip Pax Dei Board: How to easily craft it in your game?


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Pax Dei has just been released and it's an understatement to say that the possibilities it offers, particularly in terms of crafting, are quite phenomenal. Here, we are going to look in more detail at one of these, the boards or planks in VO.


Summary of all our guides on Pax Dei

Workshops required to build boards on Pax Dei

Before looking at the complete guide leading us to the boards on Pax Dei, let's start by telling you that in this article we will give you the names of the elements in English. Indeed, Currently, there is no French version of the game.

Therefore, for the sake of clarity, we will keep the terms appearing in game to help you see more clearly what we are going to look for. But let's get back to our boards and The first step will be to build the builder's hammer, if you haven't done so yet.

By right-clicking with it in hand, you will open a construction menu. So start by laying out your plot to demarcate a play space where you can build whatever you want. Once that's done, go back to the build menu.

Indeed, to build boards on Pax Dei, you will need workshops and in particular one here which will interest us, the Wood chopping block. To build it, nothing too complicated, you will simply have to collect 10 sapwood.

This wood can be found quite easily and in two ways. The first is simply by picking up branches that may have fallen to the ground. Otherwise, build yourself a stone axe and hit the trees with a thin trunk.

Now that you have your Wood chopping block, what we are going to advise you to do is to go back in search of sapwood and make a small stock of it. Because yes, as for the previous workshop, you will need 10 to get 10 boards in return.

Pax Dei Board: How to easily craft it in your game?

Moreover, in addition to these, the Wood chopping block allows you to do woodworking more generally and we will advise you first of all to do other recipes that will not only be useful later, but will also increase your carpenter level.

Because yes, boards require a level 4 in this area. Although it is possible to craft them without too much trouble with a few less levels, we still advise you to have at least a level 2 so as not to miss your crafts too much and by extension not to lose too many resources!

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