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Culture news Only rated 36%, this horror film is one of James Cameron's guilty pleasures, he never tires of this actress' performance


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James Cameron may be one of the most acclaimed directors of his generation, but he's far from being an elitist filmmaker who swears by the great classics of cinema. In this case, he knows how to detect the qualities of certain B-movies. For example, this horror film immediately became his guilty pleasure and he's a fan of this actress' performance in particular.


The director of Avatar is a fan of the great classics… and B-movies

Through all the interviews he was able to give during his career as a director, we were able to learn a lot about James Cameron. Whether it is his passion for art, particularly painting and drawing, or his personal taste in cinema, whether it is a simple influence, a work dear to his heart or a guilty pleasure. Recently, we talked to you about his favorite film, a major feature film in the history of cinema that he finds “still just as magical”. However, what is surprising is that the filmmaker does not only swear by films by great directors!

What is a little less so, however, is to note that the director often cites science fiction feature films, including when it comes to discussing his guilty pleasures of the Seventh Art. A few years ago, more precisely during the pandemic and periods of confinement, the director of Titanic and the saga Avatar spoke with the editorial staff of the site Empire. It is therefore at this particularly appropriate moment that James Cameron has opened up about one of his guilty pleasures when it comes to horror films, and it's the name of a major franchise feature film that has been released.

James Cameron talks about his guilty pleasure film and we understand his choice!

We know James Cameron is passionate about genre cinema, but we didn't particularly expect such a response from him. In this case, it is the very first film in the saga of cinematographic adaptations resident Evil who has the honor of being considered his guilty pleasure. However, this does not mean that he does not find great qualities in him, quite the contrary. According to him, and this will please director Paul WS Anderson, he was captivated by the way it was made, which was not the case for all spectators and critics at the time.

One of my favorite films, which I actually think is beautifully made, is Resident Evil (…) Watching Michelle Rodriguez in this film, moving like a wild creature, it's a joy

On Rotten Tomatoeswe can see that the balance sheet of resident Evil is not very positive, at least on the critical side. If it was rather acerbic towards Paul WS Anderson's film, the public was more forgiving with a recommendation score of 67%, which is far from catastrophic. We don't know if they appreciated the same things as James Cameron but the director readily cites Michelle Rodriguez's performancerevealed to the general public a year earlier in Fast & Furiouswho plays soldier Rain Ocampo.

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