Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: one of the july games has leaked, and it's a gem

A big leak suggests a highly anticipated release on the Microsoft Xbox Game Pass service. In any case, it smells very good for those who are impatient. Explanations.

In recent years, leaks no longer necessarily come from anonymous sources publishing information on obscure sites or forums. It often even happens that trophy lists provide serious clues about future releases. This is the case this time with a highly anticipated game that could soon arrive on Xbox Game Pass.


A highly anticipated game on Xbox Game Pass

Word is circulating in the world of video games: Neon White, one of the highest-rated first-person shooter games of 2022, could soon be available on Xbox. This news is eagerly awaited by Xbox players, especially since the game has already proven itself on other platforms.

Launched in June 2022, Neon White was first available on Nintendo Switch and PC, followed by a release on PS4 and PS5 later that year. The game, developed by Angel Matrix and published by Annapurna Interactive, features a unique combination of gameplay mechanics: fast-paced shooting, speedrunning, platforming, and card-based combat. This fusion of genres has not only surprised but also wowed critics and players alike, making Neon White a strong contender for Game of the Year 2022 alongside major titles like Elden Ring and God of War Ragnarok.

Despite its success, Xbox players have not yet had the opportunity to discover Neon White on their console. However, a recent leak could well change the situation. According to a Reddit user, achievements for Neon White have appeared on the TrueAchievements site, often a harbinger of an imminent release on Xbox. Microsoft has also announced that Neon White will be available on Xbox Game Pass from the first day of its launch. In all likelihood, it would therefore be the July game.

A beautiful nugget

The arrival of Neon White on Xbox could have a significant impact. First of all, it would offer Xbox players the opportunity to discover an innovative and acclaimed game, thus enriching the console's catalog. Additionally, the integration of Neon White into Xbox Game Pass could attract new subscribers to this increasingly popular service, once again highlighting Microsoft's strategy to strengthen its gaming ecosystem.

