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Culture news Never has a French film brought in so much at the box office: it even did better than Intouchables internationally and it's free on TF1+!


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This French film by Luc Besson broke all box office records worldwide when it was released, even surpassing “Intouchables”! If you missed it, you can now enjoy it for free on TF1+.


The film “Lucy”, directed by Luc Besson, marked the history of French cinema by reaching new heights at the global box office. Released in 2014, this sci-fi thriller stars Scarlett Johansson in the lead role, alongside Morgan Freeman. It tells the story of a young woman who acquires superhuman mental abilities after the involuntary ingestion of an experimental drug. The film is currently available for free on the French SVOD service TF1+To benefit from it, users simply need to create an account on the platform. With a worldwide gross of over $463 million, the film surpassed “The Intouchables,” another French cinema success, which had collected around $426 million. This phenomenal success allowed it to rise to the top of the most profitable French films internationally.

When science pushes humans to their full potential

The story follows Lucy, a young woman living in Taipei, who unwittingly finds herself involved in a drug trafficking ring. After an experimental substance is forcibly implanted into his body, the drug begins to release and gradually increase his brain capacity.. Lucy quickly transforms, developing superhuman powers such as telekinesis, the ability to absorb knowledge instantly and manipulate reality. The film explores the question of what a human being could accomplish if one could use 100% of their brain.

The feature film was praised for its visuals and its approach to science. Indeed, it raises interesting philosophical questions about human evolution and the potential of the mind.. Despite its strengths, “Lucy” has received criticism for some of its weaknesses. Rated 67/100 on the rating aggregator Rotten Tomatoesthe main criticism concerns the storyline, considered by some to be simplistic and sometimes incoherent. The film relies heavily on the misconception that humans only use 10% of their brain, which has been largely refuted by science. Some critics also felt that the film became too exaggerated and implausible as Lucy's powers increased.

He delves so deeply into scientific theories and philosophies that he quickly becomes incomprehensible and downright existentially absurd. – Mike Massie (Gone With The Twins)

Never has a French film brought in so much at the box office: it even did better than Intouchables internationally and it's free on TF1+!

A long and difficult shoot

“Lucy” did not win any major awards at major film ceremonies like the Oscars or the Golden Globes. However, it managed to rise to the top of the global box office as the best French film. The road to success was not without its pitfalls. Filming was nearly interrupted several times, particularly due to the constant intrusion of paparazzi.In October 2013, on the island of Taiwan, the village of Taipei became the scene of a veritable media siege, with photographers desperate to capture images of Scarlett Johansson on set.

This situation exasperated Luc Besson, to the point that he threatened to end filming. One notable incident saw one of the paparazzi's cameras smashed. The anger of Besson and his production company eventually led to an intensive communication campaign in the spring of 2014, allowing “Lucy” to be released in August of the same year. Although it is not the best-reviewed film by critics, it is still a decent and free film that you can watch for a good evening!

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