Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: “I'm shitting myself”, After 2500 hours on Minecraft, he finally sees the end of the game, but it's a disaster!

Game news “I'm getting tired of it”, After 2500 hours on Minecraft, he finally sees the end of the game, but it's a tragedy!


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In the Minecraft universe, an exploit captivated an entire community. A player, known as Mystical Midget, embarked on a journey to the final frontier of the game… It was 2022.


Before we delve into Mystical Midget's feat, let's remember why Minecraft has become the best-selling game in the world, with more than 200 million copies sold. This “sandbox” game offers almost unlimited freedom, allowing players to explore and modify a randomly generated world and, above all, to build what they want, block by block… From there, anything is possible! You can have fun surviving in classic mode, or create impressive replicas of Hogwarts or from the world of One Piece. In other words, the only limit is your imagination. But for Mystical Midget, another “limit” interested him.

See Xbox Game Pass on Microsoft to play Minecraft

The Mystical Midget Odyssey

In this context of boundless creativity, Mystical Midget – a streamer on Twitch – embarked on a somewhat crazy quest in 2021: to reach the end of the Minecraft world. This journey, never attempted before, required him to travel no less than 32 million blocks. It took him about 2,500 hours.and after all that, here's what happened:

Twitch streamer Mystical Midget just did something never done before. He walked 32 million blocks to the end of the game, it took him 2500 hours to do it…

An unexpected ending

Despite all the hopes of a community, Minecraft's “final frontier” hid a disastrous finale for Mystical Midgethe went through the scenery and fell into the void to his death. A conclusion that visibly pissed off our streamer, who suddenly took off his headset and left his seat. This incident raised a lot of questions within the community – leaving some admiring the audacity of the approach, while others saw a cruel end to an extraordinary feat. Minecraft players are definitely, really full of surprises.

About Minecraft

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