Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: GTA: “No need to take a risk” Rockstar co-founder justifies the absence of a film adaptation: there is more than one reason for this, but…

Culture news GTA: “No need to take a risk” Rockstar co-founder justifies the absence of a film adaptation: there is more than one reason for this, but…


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With the huge success of Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto, many film and series projects have been submitted to Rockstar Games. However, none of them have seen the light of day until today.


GTA, Hollywood's lust

Recently, the media The Ankler has published an interview with Dan Houserthe co-founder and former vice-president of Rockstar Games (he left the company in 2020). Since founding the American studio with his brother Sam, Dan has been the driving force behind some of the biggest video game franchises in history. Including Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. Licenses that, by becoming cult, have obviously been of great interest to Hollywood

See GTA V on Cdiscount

So, over the years, Dan Houser says he's been getting more and more calls from Hollywood producers about adapting Rockstar gamesin a film or series project. After several meetings that did not always go perfectly, the co-founder of the star studio remembers asking: “Why should we make a film?” to his interlocutors. The latter then quickly replied “Because you can make a film.” To which Dan finally retorted this:

No, according to what you described, you are the one making a film over which we have no control and over which we are taking a huge risk, which we will inevitably end up paying for.

Game adaptations for cinema

Therefore, despite the many covetousnesses, No GTA or Red Dead Redemption movies have been released yet.Dan Houser Rockstar Games is also pleased to have managed to avoid what appeared to be an easy solution, but which could ultimately have been a real risk for the studio:

They all thought we would be blinded by the lights, but we weren't. The risk was never really worth it. Back then, it was considered that movies based on games were often of poor quality, it's very different now.

At the same time, it's true that big-screen adaptations of games are working much better these days than they ever did. You only have to look at the success of Super Mario Bros. the movie or Uncharted to see this. And as the trend in the industry changes, Rockstar's opinion on the matter may also change. Who knows, maybe after the long-awaited release of GTA VI, the studio will have enough time to listen to the different proposals and think about the possibility of adapting to the big screen what could be one of the biggest blockbusters of the next few years. In the meantime, while all of this is obviously just a hypothesis, GTA VI is very real and coming soon, as we explain in this article.

About GTA VI

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