Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: finally the DLC is too easy now

Elden Ring is ultimately too easy. Players are making themselves heard once again since, a priori, some mechanics are too strong. Just like some equipment would be too cheated. We will definitely never get there.

Yes, Elden Ring is once again making headlines and once again the difficulty of its DLC, Shadows of the Erdtree, is being discussed. It's almost a soap opera. Remember, initially, the game was downgraded on Steam upon its launch. There were two reasons for this. Framerate issues, which have since been fixed by FromSoftware, and the difficulty, which was too high for many players. A challenge that was apparently so high that FromSoftware had to rework it, just to calm the enthusiasm. But now, it seems that in reality, the DLC is too easy because of two mechanics that were there from the start. But you still had to progress in the DLC for that…


Elden Ring still doesn't satisfy some players who now find it too easy

The first of the mechanics pointed out by players today has however been retouched recently to smooth it out, it is about the famous blessings. These are two new bonuses and exclusive to the DLC that can only be activated and used in the Realm of Shadows. Two bonuses, one for attack and the other for defense, designed to allow us to face dangers. To take advantage of them, you just have to collect certain objects scattered all over the world. Some will be easily found on the path, while others will require you to explore. Originally, FromSoftware had put enough of these objects on the main path to allow players to get by while explorers could aim for better bonuses by going to look for these consumables all over the world and secondary points of interest.

But that was clearly not enough for many players who found it too difficult, or who simply did not want to explore the new region. On the contrary, when you accumulated too many blessings, you became a bit too strong and that was not liked either. FromSoftware therefore tried to lower the difficulty at the first blessing levels and smooth out the increase in power to maintain a challenge at the end of the game. Well, again, it's not working. On social networks, many are complaining about this turnaround and believe that the blessings are too powerful from the start. FromSoftware must start banging its head against the wall.

A patch was recently deployed again to rebalance the game yet again.

“Cheated” equipment pointed out

Second point to be criticized, and yet also available since the beginning (and not even rebalanced with the latest updates), a certain type of weapons poses a problem. These are shield blades, half-aggressive, half-defensive weapons. They not only allow you to take a lot of damage, even some crowd control, but also to do a lot of damage. As evidenced by the video of a player below.


“Broken” weapons, which “break the game” some say, Elden Ring is too easy for others. It remains to be seen now if FromSoftware will look into the subject soon or not. The Immitating Tear, although considered to be an item that is far too strong, is for example still there and can greatly help players. Because the subtlety is there, even if many players seem to forget it.

Elden Ring offers freedom of approach by offering a whole arsenal of objects and spells in order to allow the greatest number of people to enjoy it. Players are free to make the task more difficult or not.
