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Game news Elden Ring: This boss, as terrifying as he is powerful, is actually ridiculous when you look at him more closely.


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The first major boss in the Elden Ring DLC ​​is terrifying at first glance, but it's actually a lot more fun than its appearance would suggest.


A first Boss who sets the tone

If by chance you have decided to embark on the discovery of the Realm of Shadows, the new location where the DLC takes place Shadow of the Erdtreeby Elden RIng, then you certainly already have knowledge of the Divine Beast, a terrifying monster which presents itself as the first major Boss of this expansion.

This terrible enemy is nestled at the top of the city of Belurat, the first “Legacy Dungeon” of the DLC, and quickly stands out as the first real peak in difficulty. But if the Divine Beast stands out so much, it is also and above all for its grotesque appearance. The Divine Beast is inspired by the parade lions typical of the Lion Dance, this traditional dance widespread in Asia and originating from China. And if it seems difficult to realize it between two rolls in the middle of the storms that the creature summons, its appearance is in fact much more faithful to this tradition than it seems.

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Inside the Lion

At first glance, one can easily doubt the exact nature of the Divine Beast as its skills go hand in hand with its monstrous appearance. The Boss has a long body and a head that seems almost inanimate, elements that nevertheless seem to form a very living, or at least organic, whole. But after detecting the monster's legs, modders decided to take a closer look.

So, as this video reveals, FromSoftware decided to push the inspiration to the limit by slipping two characters aboard the body of the Divine Beast, which proves that the monster is in fact a ceremonial outfit. Its characters also wear various pieces of armor associated with the fearsome warriors who block your path in the city.

This secret is revealed half-heartedly after your triumph over the Divine Beast, since this fight allows you to recover its head which acts as a helmet. This armor also allows you to advance the quest of a character found in Belurat. At first silent, the oldest Kerastian will agree to speak to you as soon as you approach her wearing this gigantic mask.

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