Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: Dune 3 might finally have a big surprise in store for you

Denis Villeneuve began writing Dune 3 following the success of the second part. But when will the release be? Excellent news seems to be on the horizon.

Dune 2 crushed everything at the box office and did much better than the previous one. With $711 million generated, compared to $407.6 million, Denis Villeneuve succeeded in his bet. And to top it all off, the reviews were rave all over the world. Whatever we think of it, it will remain one of the most important science fiction feature films of recent years. A great spectacle that nevertheless ends on a cliffhanger and calls for a sequel. Luckily, it's coming and perhaps sooner than we thought.


Dune 3 coming to theaters soon?

I made both films back to back, which makes sense to me. I felt like it was the right time to move forward right after Dune 1. But it also means I spent six years on Arrakis non-stop. I think it's healthy to take a break. » said Denis Villeneuve when asked about the release of Dune 3. The director spoke about the fatigue he felt after putting together these two big pieces, adding that he did not want to embark on a third episode without being ready. Despite this, Dune 3 has been well in the works for several months now. Things seem to be progressing well and the filmmaker has visibly changed his mind.

According to information from The Hollywood Reporterwho is a very reliable source, Denis Villeneuve could “having changed my mind and turning to Dune again”. What does it mean ? That Dune 3 could ultimately be the director's next film, even though he has other projects in the works. This decision, still unexpected in view of Villeneuve's previous statements, could hasten the release of the latest feature film. Dune 3 could be released in theaters on December 18, 2026, and would compete head-on with one of the new Star Wars films in development. This date corresponds in any case to the launch of Denis Villeneuve's next production. To see if this big surprise will be made official by Warner Bros and the director in the coming weeks.

Dune “Messiah” 3 will adapt Frank Herbert’s Messiah. A component which will focus on the change of Paul Atréides (Timothy Chalamet) and on the character of Zendaya (Chani). “The anger felt by Zendaya's character [à la fin de la deuxième partie] is huge. I don't want to reveal what I'm going to do, but I know exactly what direction I'm going to take.” said Denis Villeneuve (via Collider).
